Best Weekend Reading from Around the Web
Mack Tight over at Eseduce published an article I wrote called 6 Deadly Conversation Mistakes Men Make with Women and how to avoid them.
I talk a lot about breaking through your comfort zone- well Steve Scott has published a great article called 7 Steps to for Breaking Through Your Comfort Zone.
As your busting through your comfort zone you may want to really work on creating your vision for your ideal lifestyle.
One of our most popular authors, Rob Judge, finally released his long awaited book Date Hotter Girls… there is also a pretty sick video to watch (look for my cameo)
Here are your exact odds of dating a supermodel.
Weekend Eye Candy: Brazil has the hottest models, hands down
This is something I want to read: How to get laid on spring break even after graduating. Also found a pretty cool guide for meeting girls on the beach.
I know I’ve told a few of these 15 lies men tell their girlfriends.
Warning: 6 Facial Hairstyles Women Hate
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.