Do You Have What It Takes?
?Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!?
-Sylvester Stallone, Rocky Balboa
Today I sat across from a client of mine and listened while he poured his heart out to me. I?ve been working with him for a few months and although he?s improving he tends to have a bit of a pessimistic attitude about women and his progression.
With watery eyes in the middle of a downtown coffee shop he sat across from me and explained how even though he was practicing he wasn?t getting any solid leads on girls and my heart completely broke.
?I don?t know if I should keep going or just give up, it seems like I?m getting nowhere.?
On top of this I started working with a new client who was considering getting a hooker to take his virginity because he saw no light at the end of the tunnel.
Desperation. Frustration. Sadness. Disappointment. Self-hatred. There is no shortage of words we have to describe the feeling that these men feel.
But despite it all they can truly call themselves men because they?re doing something about their problem.
Becoming a competent seducer is hard work if you have little to no experience with women. I?ll be the first one to vouch for it. It takes time and immersion just like anything else in life. Think you can play Stairway to Heaven the first time you pick up a guitar? How about break 90 on your first trip to the golf course?
So I pose to you, faithful reader, a couple questions. How hard are you willing to work at this? How much are you willing to devote? Are you prepared for the emotional battle you?ll have to take on? Are you really ready to change your life and everything about it?
If you?re not willing to put in the legwork then you might as well just quit, you?re wasting your time.
This is not a casual affair. This isn?t some bullshit hobby. This is your fucking love life. To become the ladies man you always wanted to be you need to change your life and the way you live it.
It?s not easy, no one said it would be, but nothing worth doing is ever easy.
A member of the local lair recently commented on a presentation I had done for them saying that he thought I was full of shit when I said this requires complete immersion, night after night, approaching and isolating your sticking points like a scientist would analyze an experiment?s results. But low and behold he did 8 nights straight and what did he have to say about it afterwards?
?You were right.?
It shocks me how that?s not common sense. It completely boggles my mind.
Daniel Levitin estimates that to attain complete mastery one has to go through 10,000 hours of practice. That?s about 3 hours a day for 10 years. Yet despite this being very common knowledge throughout the seduction community I see the same thing time and time again.
I?ve been doing this for some time. Going on 8 years actually. I?ve seen a lot of men come and go, get girlfriends or get fed up and there is one trait (only one) that separates the two.
The men who get good with women do so because there?s no other option. They devote themselves to it. Eat, sleep, work, and women.
What happens when they create such a commitment for themselves? They grind and grind and deal with all the shit that comes with breaking through beginners hell. They start to get leads and begin to go on dates. The experience multiplies and all of a sudden they have cool, sexy women in their lives.
Time to get this part of your life handled. Promise yourself right now? yes right now that you?re willing to do whatever it takes come hell or high water to make sure that you get the women you deserve and that you?re not going to give up.
That was the easy part.
Now, go meet women and do it with balls! Go to the club and smash it to pieces! Chase that hot girl in stilettos down the street! You have it in you to be the man you?ve always wanted to be, the man that women desire but it?s up to you to take control of that destiny and become a seducer!
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About Chris Orleans Chris Orleans has been teaching professional men how to seduce women for going on five years. His methodology focuses on teaching you how to be the man women can’t help but swoon for rather than just acting like it. Visit: