When She Tells You Her Friend Is Interested
Few things are more earth-shattering than the moment when the flirty, fun babe you?re chatting up directs your attention to her shy (and probably not as cute) friend, telling you that this friend has a thing for you. Just when you thought you were in with a chance, she drops this bombshell. But before you run off to the gents? and burst into tears, take a second to evaluate the situation. A snub of the ?but my friend is interested in you!? nature can mean different things depending on the context. Either way, it shows that at least one of her and her friend have shy personalities, so tread carefully.
Even W. would be confused
If you?ve been chatting to your lady of choice for a while, decide to make a move on her and she dismisses it by saying her friend is interested in you, it often means she?s trying to reject you but isn?t quite assertive enough to do it properly. Telling you another woman has her eye on you is an attempt to distract you from the rejection. In this case, it is time to move on. Going for her friend is not the classiest of options, but not a terrible last resort.
If you?ve been briefly flirting and she?s definitely been flirting back, but neither of you has made a move, it?s possible that she?s said her friend wants you as a way of saying that actually, she wants you. But it?s also possible that that could mean nearly anything. Suss it out by making your intentions more obvious, and see if she seems receptive or shuts you down.
If she?s come up to you for no other reason other to tell you that her friend?s interested, it?s quite unclear. Perhaps she is interested. Or maybe her friend actually is interested, for once. If they?re particularly immature, it could even be a joke. You?re on your own with this one! The best approach is to play the comedian. That way, you have time to establish what she meant; not to mention you can lure her in with your wicked sense of humour.
If you want to make your intentions known and don?t mind putting yourself out there, try this flirty reply for when she tells you that her friend has an eye on you. A typical exchange could go like this:
Her: ?My friend Lucy is really hot on you!?
You: ?Yeah? That?s a coincidence. Tell Lucy that I?m really hot on her friend over here!?
This will probably lead to laughter from your lady of choice. As long as it?s a flirty giggle rather than a nervous titter, you definitely have a chance.
Ladies can be confusing creatures at times, particularly when they speak for each other. Pay attention to the signals she?s sending you, and you should be able to evaluate whether she?s snubbing you or just shy.
Here is another article related to the subject:?https://www.tsbmag.com/2016/01/11/crush-trying-to-make-you-date-her-friends/
About Natasha Abrahams Natasha Abrahams is a writer and journalism student from Melbourne, Australia. When she is not busy with being a principal writer on Weekendnotes or skipping lectures, she can be found emptying her wallet at the nearest shopping centre. You can read more from Natasha at: http://mensstyleandfashion.com/