Dress to Impress
Dressing for work is still a headache for many men. After all it is a daily affair and therefore can become a daily disaster. It does not have to be. With a little bit of preparation and thought you can address this area with style and ease.
Firstly do not underestimate the power of clothes. 90% of what people see of you is your clothes. There is no denying the fact that the choice you make in this area can have the potential to make or break your career.
The bottom line is, if you want to be taken as professional, smart and confident you have to dress this way. The right choice in garments will immediately give you a lift in self-esteem and in turn will pass off those vibes to your colleagues and especially to your boss.
The first consideration in how to best dress for work is of course the company dress code. I know, I should not need to say this but I will anyway just to make sure: there is absolutely no way around it. If jeans are a no no, don?t wear them even though other people might. They possibly do not care about their careers. You do!
If there is no dress code in place simply take a glance around and see who wears what. Especially take a good look at your boss. If you are serious about promotions, make sure you dress better than everybody else but never better than him.
Generally the office requires the smart casual or business casual look. It means that you do not necessarily have to wear a suit and not strictly a jacket either. A smart dress shirt with chinos in navy or sand is a good option. You can combine it with a cardigan for added warmth. Just be careful not to wear a tie if you do not wear a jacket or a cardigan. A flapping tie looks more like schoolboy uniform rather than business professional.
Always make sure your clothes are wrinkle free. The nicest shirt looks sloppy when not ironed. Cotton or linen shirts have a luxurious look however non-iron shirts are certainly a lot more practical for everyday occasions, especially if your ironing skills are still in the developing stage.
Definitely leave your trainers at home. Your shoes can make or break your outfit. And if you think you have to wear Jeans to work (non faded, dark indigo only!), they can elevate them to another level of style. Together with a nice blazer and a? dress shirt or polo shirt they can be quite a smart casual option.
Never overdo it with color. The office is not a catwalk and you can leave any fashion experiments for the weekend. After all you want to be taken seriously. That is the same for your accessories. Don?t overdo them. Keep them simple and classical which means less headache for you and less headache for others.
One last word in regards to ties: by all means wear one if you feel like it or if they are part of the company dress code. They always look smart and elevate your level of sophistication, and there is nothing more impressive than a man in a well-fitting navy or charcoal grey suit and a matching tie. For the office it is best though to keep their design subtle and elegant. They are not a means to show off your sense of humor or pin up girls; at least not if you want to step up the career ladder.
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About Gloria Mundi ‘Gloria Mundi’ is the woman every man needs. She has seen it all: guys who succeed and guys who fail. With many years of experience in the style arena she knows the magic ingredients to transform any frog into a prince. If you want to get inside a woman’s head (or simply inside her pants)… let Gloria whisper in your ear.