6 Tips to Kick Start Your Brain Each Day
The morning is the hardest part of the day.?Trying to find the motivation to get out of bed, it’s cold and raining outside, all you want to do is lie there with a movie and a cup of jo. If we let it, this sad process of getting up all groggy and depressingly trudging to work can ruin the whole day, not only the morning.
You need a plan, you want to get up with authority and attack the day, to make it work for you rather than vice versa. Fortunately there’s a few things you can do to help kick start each morning, none of which should prove too difficult with the right attitude, and all of which will have you feeling refreshed and motivated for the new day.
Huffington Post’s article has given us a detailed run down of 6 tips to start the day, among them is the importance of eating a good breakfast:
2. Eat the Right Foods
That morning pastry could actually be slowing you down. That short burst of energy you’ll get from the sugar and carbohydrates is only temporary, to be followed by a?crash that leads to feelings of fatigue and hunger and makes concentrating difficult. If it’s your habit to grab a doughnut or toaster pastry on your way out the door, try instead keeping healthy snacks on hand that can be consumed on your way to work.
We all know that eating healthy is an important lifestyle choice, but early in the morning is the best time to make the right choice, as a good breakfast sets you up for the rest of the day. Check out the rest of the article to read about the other morning-boosting tips, from exercising to a splash of cold water.
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About Sam Brinson Sam is a writer living in Uruguay. Sam follows the latest in aging break throughs.