How To Make Serious Gains During The Holiday Season
If you?re an obsessive dieter, nothing is worse than the dreaded holiday period. You become surrounded with temptations and portion sizes go out the window. In fact, research has shown people consume around 7000 calories on Christmas Day alone ? yikes!
We then all inevitably approach the New Year full of guilt and self-wallowing of how we allowed ourselves to gain all this weight. However, do not despair just yet because over at Roman Fitness Systems, there?s a great post on how you can continue making those gains throughout the holiday period. It breaks it down into a step-by-step guide which anyone can follow:
Start Tracking
Here?s the cold hard truth: Carbageddon is coming, so be prepared for it. Embrace it. Accept it. In fact, let?s just flip this bad boy on it?s head and use it to our advantage to make some real gainnnnzzz.
Bring on the mashed potatoes and stuffing and cornbread and casserole. Let?s shovel some more of that turkey on our plates. Screw it, enjoy some pie, too. With careful planning and a dedication to getting jacked, you?ll turn this month of gluttony into a season of serious pump.
It also has a useful list of workouts that you can get stuck into during the festive season, which are laid out into a four-digit code for each rep count. The code breaks down into the tempo of the lift, or how many seconds it takes to lower the weight (eccentric), pause or stretch and then raise or contract with the weight. For example:
Holiday GAINZ Shoulder Workout
- A) DB Seated Press ? 3 x 8 (4-0-2-0)
Rest 1 minute- B) DB Upright Row ? 3x 12 (4-0-2-0)
Rest 1 minute- C) DB Lying Rear Lateral Raise ? 2 x 50 repetitions (2-0-1-0)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Holiday GAINZ Chest Workout
- A) DB Alternating Flat Bench Press ? 4 x 10 (4-0-2-0)
Rest 1 minute?between sets- B) DB Incline Fly ? 6 x 8 (4-0-2-0)
Rest 90 seconds between sets- C) Decline Pushup ? 2 x AMRAP
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets
The most important thing of all though, is to enjoy the holiday season. Either way, it?s very likely one of your New Year?s resolutions will be to lose a few pounds. If you want to get a head start on the muscle side of things, then make sure to check out this article before it?s too late!
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About Matt Lawson Matt Lawson is a UK based sports journalist who covers all the latest football (soccer) news and matches for the Press Association. A keen Newcastle United fan, Matt is usually found either watching or playing the beautiful game.