Tasty Snacks You Can Eat Instead of Chips
Via Quinn Dombrowski
We get it, chips are delicious and sometimes that savory, crunchy craving is going to pop up no matter how bad they might be for you. However, there are a ton of other other things that you can eat in lieu of chips without missing out on what really makes the snack delicious. Get your baking pans ready.
Via Sodanie Chia
No really. Kale can be drizzled with olive oil and nutritional yeast and then baked for a really delicious chip alternative. Kale is obviously low in calories and really good for you, and nutritional yeast is too which adds a nutty, cheesy flavor without dairy and high fat. One large bunch of kale rinsed and cut will only take about 10-15 of cooking at 375 degrees.
Via Swong95765
Sliced carrots can be seasoned and baked as well, although these guys take a little longer to get to their crispy stage. At 250 degrees it can take about 45 minutes. You can make a bit of sweeter chip snack out of these guys by adding a splash of orange juice and some cinnamon to them before you throw them in the oven.
Via Arvind Grover
You have no idea how delicious green beans can become until you try baking them with some olive oil and salt drizzled on top. They dry out nicely when you back them at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes.
Via Steven Depolo
You’ve undoubtedly had sweet potato fries so you already know how good they are. Bake your own to cut down on the saturated fat from frying. All you need to do is slice them up, and brush with olive oil and any other seasonings you might want. Sweet potatoes are a healthier alternative to white potatoes and are full of awesome nutrients and vitamins.
Via Sharon Flickr
Zucchini is super low in calories and good for you. Slice it up and coat it with egg whites before sprinkling on parmesan cheese or bread crumbs to make them a little crunchier. They need to bake for about 20 minutes at 450 degrees, flipping them over midway through to ensure even cooking.
Via OurLifeInFocus
See this list isn’t all vegetables! Baked whole wheat tortillas offer a very healthy alternative to the store bought chips full of preservatives out there. Slice them into tortilla style wedges and bake them for about 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees. You can season them to taste ahead of time or use them to dip into your favorite dips.
Via Ramesh NG
For another sweeter type of chip, slice up some bananas and bake those bad boys. These require a longer baking time at a lower heat, so be patient. Aim for 175-200 degrees and let them cook for about an hour and a half. (They need to dry out quite a bit.) To keep them from turning brown while they cook, coat them with lemon juice. (That also works for keeping guacamole from turning brown FYI, it’s something about the acid in citrus.)
About Kate Ferguson Kate Fergus is a Los Angeles local and freelance writer for a variety of blogs and online magazines. When she's not writing, the UC Davis graduate is focused on pursuits of the entertainment industry, spin class, and hot sauce.