11 Common Turnoffs
“Turnoffs” was trending on Twitter, so I pulled a few tweets that express some common concerns you should be careful of:
#TurnOffs ‘send me a picture’
? Nat?lie xxx (@_tbhjacob) July 20, 2015
If you want to ask for a picture, you have to build up to it. You can’t just go from talking about work to requesting a racy pic.
Smoking cigarettes ???????????? #TurnOffs
? Gregory Pizarro Jr. (@gregpizarrojr) July 20, 2015
Smoking has been stigmatized enough to the point where if you smoke, you have to accept the fact that you’re shrinking your dating pool substantially.
#TurnOffs when I get asked wyd 8 time’s in a day
? 8/17 (@andreajloves) July 20, 2015
Texting a girl?wyd?(what you doing?) or?hey what’s up or something along those lines is the best way to get ignored. You don’t want to be one of eight guys sending the same text to the same girl.
#TurnOffs guys who let their jeans sag that i’m able to se their boxers
? eliza (@eliza_hermosura) July 20, 2015
Don’t do it unless you’re a famous rapper, or if you hang out with a rap/hip-hop type of crowd regularly.
#TurnOffs a man with ugly nails
? GOTH LORD (@WlZKHALlFA) July 20, 2015
You don’t have to get a manicure every week, but trim your nails once every couple of weeks and make sure there’s no dirt under them when you’re meeting women.
#TurnOffs being rude to waiter/waitress
? Trevor Donovan (@TrevDon) July 20, 2015
The way you treat the people who serve you is one of the biggest indicators of what kind of person you really are.
#TurnOffs no goals for the future
? iamchange (@cetzforthesoul) July 20, 2015
You don’t have to have an amazing job in order to meet women, but it helps if you’re at least working toward one.
#TurnOffs bad breath
? Jen Selter (@JenSelter) July 20, 2015
It’s always amazed me how many men and women are blissfully unaware that they have this problem. You can have the game of Casanova, Mystery and Derek Jeter combined, but bad breath will sabotage your every effort to meet women.
When people don’t realize there using they’re wrong. #TurnOffs ????
? Jeff Barrett (@BarrettAll) July 20, 2015
Especially toward the beginning of any type of relationship, your words are among the biggest factors that people will use to form impressions about you. Make sure you’re using them to convey yourself effectively.
#TurnOffs people who take forever to text back
? Jen Dixon (@sheeeshjen_xO) July 20, 2015
Research shows it’s better to text back as soon as possible when you’re trying to establish a personal connection with someone.
Being clingy ???? #TurnOffs
? Gregory Pizarro Jr. (@gregpizarrojr) July 20, 2015
Women want to feel?wanted, not needed.
Here is another article related to the subject:?https://www.tsbmag.com/2009/11/16/3-ways-to-instantly-turn-a-woman-off-and-kill-any-attraction-she-felt/
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Jordan Murray Jordan is a journalist who has written extensively about dating and lifestyle for multiple publications.