How to Keep Your Diet Totally Cancer-Free!
The right diet can do a lot of different things to boost your healthy lifestyle and give you amazing results. While the chances are you’ve probably seen your fair share of muscle-growing, or fat-burning diets in the past, you probably haven’t paid much attention to the foods that can fight off bad health overall.
Remember that training your body into that perfect physique can come with some risks ? particularly if you’re not getting the right nutrition.
One threat that keeps many people awake at night is the risk of cancer, and although it may seem complicated to try and stay away from potential causes, there are some ways that you can alter your diet for a cancer-proof lifestyle. Check out some of the following tips, for example.
1. Learn How to Prepare Food Properly
You don’t have to be the world’s best cook just to beat cancer in your daily meals. However, learning a few cooking techniques could actually help you to protect yourself – and even save your life. If you feel like snacking on some vitamin-rich broccoli or carrots, you should know that steaming your vegetables, instead of boiling them will help them to retain their all-important carotenoids. In other words, by steaming, you get a healthy dose of cancer-fighting pigments.
If you’re looking for a flavorsome chicken meal, try marinating your meat in lemon juice, garlic, and olive oil, as this combination of ingredients will help to reduce the amount of carcinogens that you’re exposed to. In fact, the amount that carcinogens (the substances responsible for causing cancer) could be reduced by as much as 90%!
2. Vary Your Meals
That is right, you cannot have a Whopper every day! Or a Jersey Mike?s sub! Yes, this is true.
OK, are you done sniffling (we do not blame you for doing that)? Can we continue?
There’s no single food that’s going to keep you healthy and beautiful forever so long as you eat enough of it. Despite what you might have heard, you’ll need to eat a combination of different foods to reduce your chances of cancer, and keep your body as healthy as possible.
For instance, though eating 23 different vegetables and fruits a week may seem like an impossible feet, scientists have learned that such an action could reduce your chances of suffering from cancer by up to 73% – even if you’re prone to the disease on a genetic level. Yes, some people have that type of luck.
3. Make the Most of Your Microwave
It may sound counter-intuitive, especially if you’ve read articles telling you just how bad microwaved food can be for you, but microwaving your morning bacon could help you reduce your chances of cancer. Although it might be tempting to throw your fry-up into a pain, cooking them in the microwave instead can ensure that there is less of the nitrosamine chemical present. According to cancer and nutritionist experts, microwaving chicken is also useful reducing heterocyclic amines ? chemicals frequently linked to various forms of cancer. You don’t necessarily need to head to the microwave for every meal, but you might be surprised at the benefits it can offer when used correctly.
4. Know How to Eat Your Meat
There are a lot of inflammatory sources out there that insist red meat is a prime cause of cancer – but the truth is that red meat doesn’t cause problems by itself. So far, there has been no scientific evidence that suggests your delicious steak is going to result in a cancerous tumor, but taking the time to think about the food your food has eaten before it ends up on your place could be a judicious idea.
A large amount of red meat generally comes from animals that have been reared in intensive conditions, where they are fed a lot of corn containing fats that cause inflammation and can promote cancer development. If you’re going to indulge in a steak, it might be better to fork out the extra for a slice of pastured or grass-fed animal instead.
5. Stop Sugar Coating Things
You might be a self-confessed sweet lover, but remember that cancer has a sweet tooth too. Try to keep sugar locked away as much as possible, as professionals have found that even if you don’t suffer from weight problems, higher levels of blood sugar could increase your risk of gallbladder or liver cancer significantly. If you are struggling with weight issues, then it’s also worth noting that a large waistline can increase your chances of suffering with up to ten different cancer strains!
You mean we should not eat a large bucket of popcorn during Transformers in the theater? Yes, that is what this means!
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About Benjamin Roussey Benjamin is from Sacramento, CA. He has two master’s degrees and served four years in the US Navy. He enjoys sports, movies, reading, and current events when he is not working online.