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All posts tagged "self-made man"


    The Self-Made Man: Jeremy Stoppelman

    TSB\'s Self Made Man this week—Jeremy Stoppelman—is someone who, ironically, created a website that is the bane of many modern entrepreneurs: Most of us know Yelp ...


    The Self-Made Man: Ian MacKaye

    Ian MacKaye is a lot of things; musician, punk rock legend, activist, parent, archivist, and entrepreneur. He\'s been running his own record label, Dischord Records, since 1980, an ...


    The Self-Made Man: Reed Hastings

    I usually watch TV when I write, and since I don\'t have a proper television, I use Netflix most of the time. I always figured Netflix was the result of corporate boardroom thinkin ...


    The Self-Made Man: Orv Madden

    I haven\'t been inside a Hot Topic in years, but that store was central to my high school experience. Hot Topic shoppers were disregarded as fad-chasing dorks who weren\'t really i ...


    The Self-Made Man: Larry Levitsky

    Publishing really is a remarkable business. For one thing, it\'s been ?dying? for at least 20 years now, but no matter how many pearl-clutching op-eds are written about this year b ...


    The Self-Made Man: Scott Dikkers

    One of TSB\'s favorite publications is The Onion, the satirical newspaper that\'s occasionally surreal, often vicious, and always funny. Their uncompromising and savage lampooning ...