Wingman Weeked Retreat- Team Building (w/video)
TSB Magazine’s first annual Mansformation Wingman Weekend has come and gone. We will be discussing the many different aspects of the retreat over the next week. The trip far exceeded all expectations and words can barely do the trip justice.
Lance, an author for, attended the retreat and posted a review of it on his blog today…
Check out his Mantransformation review of the trip…
Take a look!
Team Building and Accomplishments
The retreat consisted of many different facets… one of the most grueling and inspiring portions of the trip was our long trek up into the mountains of the Dominican Republic for a white water rafting trip.
A bus picked us up at 6am… most of us went without sleep as we had partied hard the entire night before…well into dawn. Thankfully we were able to catch up on some sleep during the 3 hour bus ride into the mountain.
There were seven of us crammed onto a raft along with a guide. Right from the beginning it was clear that this was not a lazy river ride… this was the REAL DEAL! As you’ll be able to see in the video, it took every ounce of strength, endurance, and drive to successfully make it down the river.
During different portions of the journey… we lost a crew member and had to make the emergency rescue… at another point our raft over turned and all of us were scooped into different rafts.
But when it was all said and done… WE MADE IT!!! And we all were filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment that only comes after pushing yourself past your comfort zone.
Inner game doesn’t come from reading books…. it comes from experiencing life and overcoming challenges!
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.