How to Make the Next Date after a Good First Date
Welcome back to another edition of Ask the #1 PUA where I take questions from the tons of guys out there looking to get some guidance on this crazy little thing called Game. Today’s Question comes in from Brent:
Hey what’s up man? I have a quick question for you, what’s the best way to set up another meeting when you are on the first meeting with the girl, or say you are on an instant date with a girl who you have just met. How should you bring that up, and how to set it up?
Hey Brent,
That’s a great question and one of the biggest hurdles guys have when it comes to getting more success with women. As great as Same Night Lays are, for most guys the dating skillset is what’s going to yield most of their success with women.
What Brent (I can call you B, right?) is asking about is the first part of the dating skillset setting up the date. Setting up a the second date the right way will result in a lot less flaking. So let’s look at my tried and tested date set up model.
1. Have a plan
2. Seed it
3. Oversell but don’t invite her
4. Invite her with a qualifier
5. Get her # for follow up
First we want to have a plan to invite the girl to. I always invite girls on the same date, even though that’s never the date I actually go on with the girl. Having a set date to invite girls on makes this entire process easier. Once you have that you won’t be worrying about how to set up a second meeting.
Next you need to seed the date by telling a story that takes place where you want to invite her. The one I use comes from my buddy Captain Jack. I’ll say something like:
“You’re not the jealous type are you?”
She’ll always say no.
“Good, every Wednesday my friends and I go to Gilligan’s for dollar drinks and Karaoke. We were there last week, and my ex was looking through my phone. I didn’t think anything of it, till the next day; when I realized she deleted every female number in my phone. Even my Mom.”
Then I’ll oversell the place without inviting her. This is a great tactic because people are more likely to believe a place is cool if you are not trying to invite them there. So I’ll describe everything that makes this place cool in really over the top fashion as if it’s the best place ever. But I won’t invite the girl now. In fact I like to wait 5-10 minutes before I move on to the next part of the date set up which is inviting her with a qualifier. So I’ll say something like:
“You know now that I’ve been talking to you for awhile, I think you’re really awesome and it would be really fun to bring you along for karaoke next Wednesday. But I’m only going to invite you if promise you’ll sing. Will you sing?”
I’m inviting the girl but putting a hoop out for her to jump through in order to get the invitation. The more work she has to do to earn the invitation the more likely she is to show up for the date.
Lastly I’ll get her number so that I can start to apply my flake elimination follow up system. Because even though I have her phone number, she is still in control of whether or not she picks up or shows up for our date.
If you do this date set up correctly you will be able to get any woman you can get attracted to agree to go on a date with you.
Hope that helps,
JS- The King Of Content
About john sinn Sinn is widely regarded as the second best PUA in the world. Sinn is known for his hard nosed style and take no excuses approach to teaching. He is a nondenominational teacher, which means that he subscribes to no particular method and instead blends the best of every school of seduction to create the best possible results for himself and his students. Sinn is currently running his own pick up company The Sinns Of Attraction, which offers live, phone and email training.