The 5 Types of Guys Women Are Attracted To
I?m sure you?re aware of the fact that women are more drawn to certain types of men than others. I don?t recommend that you change your personality, or wardrobe to match these types of guys. Instead, learn what you can from each type, and see if there?s an element that works for that guy, that you could incorporate more in your own life.
Which are you?
Women are very social and love to make connections. To a woman, having a lot of social connections gives her power in her life. Her personal effectiveness is not based on brute strength or ambition (like men), but rather on the quality and quantity of her relationships.
A guy who knows where the party is at, can get her into the club without waiting in line, or has a great social network is very attractive to a woman.
Women find creative, passionate guys intriguing and exciting. You don?t have to be a master painter, but you should have at least one creative outlet that gets you excited. Talk about this hobby, and see if there?s a way she can help you in your artistic endeavor.
Wood-working, writing, detailing cars ? anything you do to express yourself creatively will turn women on.
==>Here’s the 8 types of woman, and how to seduce each one of them.
We all know that women like guys with an ?edge.? This doesn?t mean you should pretend to be the new member of G-Unit, or put your hair in a Mohawk. But if you are playing it too safe in your mannerisms and fashion, you?ll appear scared and weak.
If you?re not pissing anyone off, EVER, then you are probably not being true to yourself. It?s OK to cuss occasionally, make sexual jokes, and break the ?rules? in a fun way. What elements of your personality are you hiding, for fear of rejection or criticism?
Women want a guy who is going somewhere. You don?t have to be rich, but you should have a job and career goals. I?ve had clients that became lawyers just to impress women.
This is an example of what not to do. What are you passionate about? How do you want to help the world? Take steps to make a living at it. A woman can?t respect a man who doesn?t respect himself. If you are wasting your life on the couch, or in a job you hate, you are essentially disrespecting yourself by wasting the time you have on Earth.
Women want a guy who is normal. I know this sounds strange, but think about a guy you know who always has a hot girlfriend. He is probably a calm, friendly, solid dude. Too often I hear women (HOT WOMEN) say, ?I just want a guy who is normal. He?s not a bum, he?s not crazy, he?s not a dumb thug. I just want a solid guy who cares about me.?
The bar is pretty low, because most guys are completely clueless with women, and have no sense of who they are. Be a good friend, focus on your goals in life, and don?t try to impress people. Being attractive is about being yourself!
Here is another article related to the subject:?
Find out what type of girl she is. Use these 3 questions to read her mind, and the give her exactly what she wants. Click here to learn the secret to reading her mind.
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About Vin DiCarlo Always a rebel with a unique point of view, Vin DiCarlo invented many of the most effective techniques out there, today. His students are some of the most successful and respected in the world. For more information, including how you can get more information - for free - Click Here to watch the Mind Reading Video.