Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests


5 Ways to Shed Pounds For Summer

I wrote a post about a week ago where I admitted that I’ve let myself get go a bit over the winter. I’ve always been an avid exerciser… but I’m a little bi-polar about it. I’ll get motivated and within months be in top shape… but then I’ll lose interest and slowly slide back out

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Dealing with Women’s Tests

I got this newsletter today from Derek Vitalio and it is just TOO GOOD not to pass along. For years Derek has put out consistently great stuff, and his Seduction Science course is still one of the best bangs for your buck. This newsletter really reminded how underrated Derek is in the community. This newsletter

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Example of Storytelling

One of our readers, Diceman, recommended this video on storytelling.  The video is from Alex of Street Dating Revealed, which happens to be this month’s top prize.  I’ve watched Alex in action on the DVD and can safely say he knows how to effectively keep a girl interested through storytelling. sOUk7cMXqrg

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Becoming a Great Storyteller

The guy that can tell a great story… has the room in the palm of his hands. Chase Amante from the Approach sent along this article on becoming a legendary storyteller. Chase works along side Sebastian Drake, who you can listen to tell stories in action on his Master the Vibe audio program. What’s great

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5 Tips to Being A Powerful Man

Woman love power. That is a scientific fact. If you haven’t already read Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power I would highly suggest checking it out. In the mean time here is a quick list I got from Gambler of Pua Training on how to be a more powerful man. Everything on this list is

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The 7 Elements of Charisma

I posted this back in January of 2006. I’ve got 0ver 1000 posts on here so I realize that some people new to this blog might miss out on some great posts of the past. I’m trying to go through old posts and ad the good ones to the Hot Topics section on the side

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