10 Ways to Immediately Make Yourself More Attractive

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Make Yourself More Attractive By Adopting These Habits

You want to see immediate results? You want to start getting more phone numbers, more looks, more compliments? Then implement these simple ten steps now and you’ll have more dates than you can handle.

Here are the 10 ways to become more attractive.

Attractive Tip #1- Improve your Posture

Most people don’t realize the importance of posture. But it says more about you than anything that comes out of your mouth. Bad posture can make you look bored, depressed, or just plain homely.

Improving your posture starts with becoming aware of it. Just being aware of excessive slouching will force you to take action right then. Toning your muscles through exercise will also help enhance posture. Place your head squarely on top of your neck, make sure your shoulders are upright and your back arched forward. This will make you appear taller and more confident. Be sure to leave your arms relaxed and loose. A great way to improve posture is to remain active throughout the day. This will prevent your body from being molded the wrong way.

You should also learn some of these body language secrets to make you more attractive.

Attractive Tip #2- Smile

A smile can literally light up a room. A man or woman who walks around flashing a smile will always be perceived to be more attractive. With a healthy smile, we are able to transmit the emotions within our hearts. It is very true that our smile reflects our mood, personality and even our inner health. Smiling makes you seem warmer, more inviting, confident, happy… but the best part is that a great smile can make someone else feel all of these same emotions and attach them to you.

The best way to improve your smile is by practicing in front of a mirror. Make sure that what your intending as a smile isn’t coming off as a smirk. Also pay attention to your teeth. Nice teeth are a cornerstone of a good smile. If you’re teeth are yellow consider getting them whitened. It is also important to stay on top of dentist visits. (more non-verbal flirting techniques)

Attractive Tip #3- Tanning

Don’t misunderstand this tip as a call for you to turn yourself into an orange oompa loompa. Orange skin is not attractive. But some healthy looking color can benefit anyone, especially in the winter time when our complexions tend to get pale.

I would generally recommend tanning a few times a month. I usually go just enough to have color, but not so much that people can recognize that I’ve been tanning. Tan skin makes you look thinner, healthier, and tends to make your clothes look better against your skin. It also helps hide imperfections in your complexion.

Attractive Tip #4- Be Flirtatious

Someone who knows how to flirt effectively will always attract more of the opposite sex than someone who solely relies on their looks. Flirting is an art form that if you can master you will be a few steps a head of the competition. Flirting is essential in creating sexual tensionThey key to flirting is achieving a sense of relaxed playfulness. Teasing is a great way to flirt. As is Competitive flirting which takes the form of slight sarcasm and dry wit. Cooperative flirting is different. Rather than jabbing her, you pull her into your reality and create an us against the world dynamic. Flirting is a mix of pushing away with words and pulling in with actions.

In the game of flirting think back to how you acted towards that classmate you had a crust on in the fourth grade… and act the same exact way. (more flirting tips)

>>>>For more on creating fun, playful ?small talk? with women, download the free ?Small Talk Tactics? report. It explains exactly how to make small talk sexy.<<<<

Attractive Tip #5- Get an Expensive Haircut

The haircut needs to be great. It is very easy to go the cheap route when it comes to getting your haircut and head to the local Supercuts. This won’t cut it if your goal is to immediately make yourself more attractive. The key here is going to a salon that has a great reputation. These salons will usually cost you much more than your local barber… but its worth it.

Movie stars look like movie stars because they have the best that money can by making them look that way. Even if it is only a one time deal you deserve to get a “movie star” haircut. Stylists at these salons know how to shape a haircut around your particular face, head size, and personal style. There will be a huge difference. Even if you can’t afford to continually get your hair cut at these more expensive salons, at least you can take some pictures of yourself and plaster your Myspace profile with them!

Attractive Tip #6- Hang Around Attractive People

Humans look for short cuts when it comes to forming their own opinions. It is much easier to let others guide us. We tend to look for reasons that will support our reality. So if we see an average looking girl hanging around a bunch of models we will tend to look for her better qualities to justify her being there. The same can be said for an average looking guy who walks into a bar with a beautiful woman… everyone in the bar will look for his positive qualities to reason it.

On the other end if you’re an above average looking person but you hang out with the local riff raft people will look for your negative qualities to explain why you’re slumming. People like to make opinions quickly. And one of the easiest way to do this is to lump you in with the company you keep. Therefore, the more attractive the company you keep, the more attractive you will be perceived to be.

Attractive Tip #7- Stay Well Kept and Well Groomed

There are grooming tips that you can implement immediately that will drastically increase your attractiveness. The first is get rid of all unwanted hair. This includes nose hair, ear hair, facial hair (especially if you’re a girl), and inappropriate body hair. And pluck your eye brows. Eliminating a unibrow alone can change the look of your face.

Others actions that you can take is cutting your nails, cleaning wax out of your ears, controlling dandruff, acne, or other skin conditions.

Attractive Tip #8- Learn how to Dance

If you want to attract the attention of the opposite sex during a night on the town you should consider learning how to dance. A good dancer is immediately perceived to be more sexual, thus increasing their perceived attraction.

If you are not a naturally good dancer I would recommend taking some dance lessons. You can usually find dance lessons locally. The lessons are usually available in group form and individual form. I would usually recommend taking a few individual lessons before you jump into the group classes. It may cost a few dollars but you will be amazed to see what kind of response you get next time your asked out onto the dance floor.

Attractive Tip #9- Add Accessories to your Wardrobe

If you take notice of most celebrities the one thing you’ll find in common with all of them is that they all make use of accessories. Accessories are items you can add to your outfit to give you some added flash. Accessories include belts, earrings, watches, hats, bracelets, necklaces, glasses, and scarves. Adding these things to an outfit shows that you put thought into the way you look, and that you are confident in your ability to pull off wearing these things.

Good use of accessories will make you more noticeable in a crowd. There is a term called “peacocking” that means purposely dressing in a way to draw attention to yourself. While you may not choose to go that extreme, you should seriously consider added some flash to your look.

Attractive Tip #10- Smell Good

Smell is one of the brain’s strongest senses. It is the sense that provokes the most intense emotions. And can spark animal like sexual attraction. There is a theory that pheromones play a huge part in sexual attraction and I would not argue with that at all. One thing is for certain, the better you smell, the more attractive you will be appear to the opposite sex.

Although taste is subjective, the purchase of a good cologne or perfume is a great investment. My recommendation is to sample a few different brands and ask a member of the opposite sex to judge. Ideally you can have several different men or women give you their opinions on which one is the best. Once you purchased a fragrance make sure you put just the right amount of it on. Too much of a good thing can be a turn off.

If you implement even just a few of these, you’ll quick find that you become more attractive.

Related Video: How To Instantly Raise Your Status Around Girls


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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