How Your Facebook Profile is Ruining Your Chances

No doubt you?re aware that you?re meant to keep your online activity clean so your future employer doesn?t decide not to give you the job based on your racist tweets or photos of your illegal hobbies. Apply the same principles to dating. Women who are interested in you will Facebook stalk you and change their mind if they see anything dodgy.

No pictures

Especially if most of your interactions take place online, you need to have a decent profile picture. Having no profile picture, or worse, a stupid meme picture for your profile, shows that you have no confidence in your looks. It also makes it difficult for women who have met you in real life to add you, if they are not sure if it?s even your profile. Even if you think you?re not the best looker, you need to have at least a group photo or a poorly lit shot of yourself.

Old pictures of your ex

Everyone has a past, but having albums of your romantic getaway with your ex and of cute dates you?d been on is quite off-putting. You don?t want to look like you?re hung up on your past. At the same time, you don?t need to trawl through and delete every trace of your past. How much you choose to delete is up to your judgment; I think a good general rule is to delete albums commemorating your coupledom, and maybe profile pictures together if there are a lot of them. Leaving yourself tagged in photos with your ex is fine, as long as you aren?t making out in the photos. You should also delete any relationship status changes. Women looking at your profile do not need to know about your entire relationship history, and may get scared off if they think it hasn?t been long enough since you became single.

Whiney statuses

Your status box is not your best friend. Don?t use Facebook for pouring out your deepest emotions. People who do so appear annoying, unstable, and like they don?t have any real-life friends you can talk to. You shouldn?t live out your life in all its ups and downs on your social media profile. Retain a bit of mystery; no woman wants a guy that is going to post passive-aggressive statuses about her if she ever gets together with him. Similarly, don?t post any statuses complaining about all women; if she sees you having a whine about how women are just impossible to understand, she will just think that you?re not very good with the ladies.

Questionable liked pages

Liking the Facebook pages of ?[female celebrity name]?s rack?, porn stars and the like makes you look seedy. If you?re going to spend your time perusing photographs of your favorite actress?s chest, learn to use Google image search rather than relying on a Facebook page to provide you with your fix. Your liked pages say a lot about who you are and what your sense of humor is like; so exercise a bit of discretion. Women won?t go through the hundreds of pages you?ve liked, but will inevitably see a random few when they look at your profile page.

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About Natasha Abrahams Natasha Abrahams is a writer and journalism student from Melbourne, Australia. When she is not busy with being a principal writer on Weekendnotes or skipping lectures, she can be found emptying her wallet at the nearest shopping centre. You can read more from Natasha at:

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