The Older Gentleman’s Guide To Dating In 2018

The singles market has changed a lot in the last few years.

If you?re an older gentleman returning to dating after a lengthy relationship, you?ve got a lot to learn.

Technology is playing a bigger role in our romances than you could possibly imagine.

While it?s not yet compulsory to join the circus that is online dating, it?s important to be aware of the impact this has had on society, lest you be horrified by the ease at which lovers can be discarded and replaced in the modern day.

This guide should help you prepare for the shit show that is dating in 2018.

Online dating

Online dating was almost exclusively for shy introverts less than a decade ago, but it?s now been embraced by a fun, extroverted audience. Today, there are roughly 40 million Americans registered to online dating websites.

If you?re ready to play that game, you can access tons of eligible females without having to leave your house. We?ve even created a guide for how older men can stand out online.

Regardless of where a romance begins, this technology has impacted how we date each other.

Things typically progress faster now. Where you may have courted a partner for weeks in the past before sleeping with her, that?s now rarely necessary. In fact, it may put you at a disadvantage. During that time, a cute woman could easily score 100 Tinder matches and have dozens more men sliding into her social media DMs.

Forget the ?three day rule? between meeting and texting. We?re constantly connected to each other in 2018, so getting in touch the next day doesn?t seem as desperate as it may have done in the past.

Social media

While you?re courting a woman in 2018, she WILL be ?stalking? your social media profiles.

If you don?t have one, she?ll, at worst, think it?s suspicious. At best, she?ll see you as an outdated bore who doesn?t understand her generation.

By the time you?ve reached your 40s, you should have cultivated an exciting successful life that women would want to be part of. That?s the main advantage you have over younger men.

Via social media, you can showcase this advantage to women without having to boast about it like some arrogant asshole.

Social media also makes it easier to send messages, pictures and video. If anything, you should be swapping social media details instead of phone numbers.

Hook-up culture

The almost-instant access to a date introduced by these apps and websites has created a culture of increased promiscuity across the western world.

This ?hook-up culture? means if you?re after strictly casual sex, it?s unlikely you (or she) will be shamed for it. (Please still approach these meetings like a gentleman. No woman wants to be made to feel purely like a sex object.)

If you want to date multiple women, that?s perfectly acceptable too. In fact, that?s now the expectation, unless it?s explicitly agreed otherwise. So, get out there, meet a ton of women and settle down with the best one.

Or not.

In 2018, we?re less tied to the idea that monogamy is the sole path to romantic satisfaction. If you want to stay young (at heart), wild and free, you?ve got all the tools to do so.

Your life, your decisions

Of course, you could choose to ignore all of this advice and still kill it with the opposite sex.

If you want to stay off Snapchat, wine and dine one woman for weeks and call her using your landline, do it.

There?s plenty of women who?d be down for that, especially if they grew up in your generation.

In fact, if you strike up a flirty conversation ?offline?, the woman would probably be more impressed than ever. This is increasingly seen as an ?old-school? tactic that today?s generation of young men would be too scared to attempt.

However you go about meeting women, the most important thing to do is demonstrate your confidence, charisma and comfort in your own skin.

The older you get, the easier this should become.

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About Joe Elvin Joe Elvin travels the world working remotely as a lifestyle writer and confidence coach. Throughout 2017, he filmed his entire dating life as part of a national television documentary in the UK. His new book 'The Camera Never Lies' details the brutal truths about dating and relationships learned from this experience. You can learn more about the book and download the first chapter for free by clicking here >>

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