5 Devilish First Date Tips For Men Looking To Seal The Deal
Sex on the first date is a wonderful experience.
If two people can meet, get along and get each other off without anyone feeling guilty, that’s an incredible time.
Yet, there are so many good first dates that don’t end like this, and it’s usually because the man has put some unnecessary obstacles in the way.
The worst thing is that they often don’t even realise.
It hurts even more when the woman meets someone else before he gets to seal the deal.
With these five devilish first date tips for men, you can ensure you sleep with the majority of women who agree to meet up.
Please ignore the myth that the hottest women need to be blown away by your choice of date venue.
So many men fall into the trap of meeting at a fancy bar or restaurant a few miles from their house.
For a first date, this is a terrible idea.
Many women are prone to flake on first dates that seem too high-pressure or involve too much effort, whether that’s through having to dress formally or spend too much time at the venue.
What’s more, if you want to move the date towards your bedroom, she has to commit to a lengthy journey. That involves a lot of investment and will almost always kill the fun vibe.
The less of a big deal you can make it to meet you, the more likely she’ll actually show up.
That’s why I always grab coffees, food or cocktails at the bar nearest my house. It’s fancy enough to not disgust her, yet not such a big deal that she freaks out. Most importantly, sex is just a five-minute walk away.
Any date that ends with great sex will be far more memorable for her than any some high-end venue…
It’s important that you’re physical with a woman throughout the date. This helps build the sexual tension. It’s unlikely the pair of you will jump into bed, or even kiss, if you’ve not laid a hand on her all evening.
Start your date with a hug, compliment her appearance, have a fiddle with any interesting jewellery you spot, then lead her to the venue by the hand.
Most importantly though, make you’re leading her somewhere you’re able to sit next to her.
Physicality is really awkward when there’s some table separating you, so choose a bar where there’s plenty of sofas. Alternatively, somewhere where you’ll be standing/walking/dancing.
Now, you can build up the playful touches as the encounter goes on. Start with something small like putting your arm around her or playful touches on the arm. If she allows it, progress to something more sexual. If she doesn’t, laugh it off, continue talking and try something different later.
The aim is to escalate slowly, so kissing doesn’t seem completely out of the blue.
Some women are still stifled by the old-fashioned opinion that sex on the first date is too promiscuous.
The fear of being branded a ‘slut’ terrifies them more than most things, which is why they’ll often play hard to get, even if they like you.
It’s also why you can’t directly ask women to come home and screw. Slut-shaming remains so rife throughout society that she needs to be able to tell herself that sex ‘just happened’.
A great strategy for setting this frame is to mention some awesome thing at your house you’d like to show her. Do this innocuously at the start of the date, then change the subject as if it’s no big deal. If you don’t have anything cool, try ranting about some cool movie your roommates were watching on Netflix recently. Then, when you suggest showing her it later on, it appears far more innocent.
She probably still knows what’s up, but your excuse is important so she can rationalise that sex ‘just happened’ and not feel like a complete slut.
Women want a man they have to chase.
It’s less exciting for them if they know they have you. In many cases, this is enough for them not to want you at all.
That’s why it’s useful to set up a frame where you’re not sure about her yet.
Do this by writing down a list of five personality traits your ideal woman would have, then screening for them on the date.
This is great if you’re someone who tends to run out of things to say, as it gives you five ready-made topics to use every single time.
Don’t be blunt about your screening, like some asshole hiring on ‘The Apprentice’.
It’s more engaging to make assumptions about these personality traits, then let her confirm or deny them.
‘You look like you’re really sporty’
‘There’s this glint in your eyes that tells me you’re somewhat spontaneous’
Alternatively, you can tell a story about a female friend who does have these traits, and see if she shares a similar one about herself.
Adventurousness and spontaneity are good traits to screen for and speak positively about. It could encourage her to spontaneously agree to whatever activity you’ve suggested at your house.
This isn’t some seedy seduction tactic, by the way. You should want to search for women who have more than good looks going for them. This will save you a lot of time in your search for a long-term partner.
Some women are hellbent on making men wait for sex or even a kiss, but all of them want you to at least try and make a move.
This shows you her that you’re man enough to go for what you want, and that’s very attractive.
If you don’t even try for a kiss, she’ll either think you’re a pussy or you don’t fancy her. Either option will piss her off.
She’s taken the time to look nice and travel to this date, so she wants this to move forward romantically.
Even if she’s not showing obvious signs of interest, it’s your job as a man to make this happen.
There’s no denying that online dating apps have been responsible for millions of speedy hook-ups.
Yet, they’ve helped to set up millions of dates where the woman is shy, frigid, fatter than her pictures, or just not into the guy’s personality.
This lack of chemistry on dates can be completely avoided if you take the time to approach women in real life, rather than relying on Tinder.
Do this and you can screen for compatibility before you waste time and money on a date. Perhaps, you could even take her home that day.
For more detailed step-by-step instructions on getting a woman home quickly, see our guide on how to pull.
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About Joe Elvin Joe Elvin travels the world working remotely as a lifestyle writer and confidence coach. Throughout 2017, he filmed his entire dating life as part of a national television documentary in the UK. His new book 'The Camera Never Lies' details the brutal truths about dating and relationships learned from this experience. You can learn more about the book and download the first chapter for free by clicking here >>