How to Pull Your Old High School Crush

Rock Her World With a Blast From the Past

I?m sure we all had that girl back in high school or college that we had a crush on?

We probably did an excellent job of never confessing our feelings to her because?

?Well let?s face it?

She was probably out of our league.

She was probably dating some really popular guy or something like that and we never would?ve had a chance?


Now we?re grown, and the incredibly touchy and potentially catastrophic social dynamics of high school are behind us.

As adults, the playing field has leveled quite a bit, and no one is as concerned with how you dress or whatever other silly things we thought was important back then.

So, if you?ve ever thought of trying to pull your old crush from high school?

?or college?

?Or from any point in your past?

I have got the recipe for you so buckle up and get ready to break the ice all over again because?




I?m sure we all have that one girl from back in school that we wish we could?ve dated but we never had the guts to ask her out because high school kids are cut throat?

?Even if you were the kid with the headset braces or you hung out with the nerds or threw up in the cafeteria in front of everyone?

You?re a changed man now and actually ALL OF THOSE THINGS ARE GOING TO WORK IN YOUR FAVOR NOW?


Here?s How.

Since you?re grown now all that stuff can just be used as jokes that you can use to poke fun at yourself.

This is a great tactic because it exudes confidence in yourself and creates more depth of character that attracts women.

Check it out?

The guy that she knew is nothing like the guy you are now.

She will be interested in learning all about how that nerdy guy who listened to Insane Clown Posse and had pink hair became the guy you are now?

?Women love solving mysteries?


How to Reconnect

Ok so you?re probably friends on Facebook or something and if you?re not, you can easily send her a friend request?

Chances are really good that she?ll accept without thinking just because you guys have a lot of mutual friends from back in the day.


?Don?t panic?

?All is not lost?

Shoot her a direct message with something funny that will spark her memory.? Maybe she just doesn?t remember.

Something funny would be like:

?Hey this is Van from high school.? Remember, I threw up in the cafeteria in front of everyone.? How have you been all these years?!?

?Hey, did you have Mrs. Whitney?s Spanish class back in high school?? I think I remember you.? That class was horrible wasn?t it?? How have you been??

?Hey dude you just popped up on the people I might know.? Did you go to Sierra High School??

Whatever you gotta say, but just make a connection

Now keep in mind that this is all under the assumption that she isn?t in a relationship?


?Don?t panic?

?All is still not lost?

You can still reconnect, start building a friendship, play the long game and wait for your opportunity?

?Don?t count on the long game if she?s married but if she has some lame ass boyfriend then you can probably get in there once he screws it up?

Once you?ve made the connection then just make small talk and get to know what she?s got going on in her life.

Ask her if she still hangs with anyone from high school, what she?s doing for work, what she does for fun?

?Normal stuff?

There?s some really good stuff on text messaging and questions to ask on a date and this is all good?

At this point you are screening her to see if she is even worth your time?

?She might tell you that she?s got three kids and the dad just left her and she?s working on her rap career?

?And hey?

?That might be your thing, or it might not be?

If she?s still checking all your boxes then all you?ve gotta do is ask her out.


This is super chill because we?re playing the long game?.

Ask her out for coffee or something ?just to catch up?.

Something casual?

There?s a really good article about owning the date so read up on that before you go out.


Playing the Long Game?To Win.

So if you?ve made it past the first ?date? just to catch up then you should have at least some knowledge of more things she?s into.

?Maybe she likes Star Wars, or painting, or music or whatever?

So this time you hit her with an invite to something that you know she?s into?


  • ?Hey that new Star Wars movie is coming out next week. Some friends and I are going to nerd out at the opening showing.? Are you a true fan or do you wanna miss out??
  • ?I heard about this awesome place where you can drink wine and paint pictures. I?m pretty good at the drinking wine part but not so much at the painting.? I want you to tag along and show me how it?s done.?
  • ?My friend got two tickets to that one band you like but he can?t go. They?re not really my favorite but I?m sure you could convince me it?ll be a good time.?

Once you guys have done a few things like that you?ll start to get close and make sure you?re practicing all the tactics to STAY OUT OF THE FRIENDZONE?


When to Drop the Hammy.

Now that you guys have reconnected, talked about your lives, had fun together it?s time to drop the hammer?

?You got this big fella?

?Hey if I tell you something super embarrassing will you promise not to judge me??

?She?ll say whatever she says?doesn?t really matter?

?I used to have the biggest crush on you back in high school?.




Now the cats out of the bag and you?re off to the races?

Now you ask her out to something more intimate that doesn?t involve other people?

Like a dinner at a nice place, or drinks somewhere?

Something like that.

If she gives you a good response back like she secretly had a crush on you too then you can go a little further?

Invite her to you spot for a movie night or something indoors in comfy clothes?

Best of luck my friends.? Play your cards right and you can have your high school sweetheart.


Pro tips:

  • If she is in a relationship, then when you ask her out on the ?just to catch up? make sure it will be with other friends and that you invite her boyfriend as well. I?m not a big advocate of stealing anyone?s girl but if you?re being friends and he?s a piece of shit then whatever happens, happens and that?s his fault for being a douche.


  • Make sure that when you are feeling her out and reconnecting that you are sizing her up. Don?t be all antsy about her because even though she has been your crush, she doesn?t hold that same status that she had in high school.? You?re an adult now.? If you put her on a pedestal then it will be like high school all over again and she will be out of your league.


Stay thirsty my friends,


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About Van Bender Van Bender is a writer and coach specializing in becoming the alpha, the art of attraction and hacking the friendzone. Check out my website and subscribe for exclusive content

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