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All posts tagged "clothes"


    Fashion from the Gilt Groupe

    Today\'s fashion tip comes straight from Kim in NYC at the Gilt Groupe: Looking for a way to stretch your dollar during these tough times. Love luxury apparel and home goods ...


    TSB Fall Outerwear

    Although the sun still shines, the fall season has began to creep up on us in the form of merchandise. With the stores and malls beginning to fill with warm outerwear, it can be di ...


    How to Redo Your Wardrobe Part 2 – Mix and Match + $250

    If you read the previous post in this series \"The Throw Away\", then you have already gone through your entire wardrobe and thrown away what you didn\'t need following the process ...


    How to Redo Your Wardrobe Part 1 – The Throw Away

    This is a 3 part series I am writing about how to redo your wardrobe. One of the biggest problems I see when I look at what guys wear, or better yet their closet; is that there is ...


    Summer Styles from TSB Fashion

    With summer heating us up it can be more difficult to look fashionable simply because you don\'t want to wear much. I recently got back from Europe and I decided a key factor in th ...


    10 Fashion Sins to Avoid

    First impressions are the most important. People will make a generalization about you within 30 seconds of meeting you. If you weren\'t naturally blessed with a keen sense of fa ...