Best Weekend Reading From Around the Web 9/13
Its Saturday once again, which means it is time to do our weekly roundup of all the things I’ve found interested from a week of surfing the internet. Each week I take the best of what I come across, and pass it along to all of you. Enjoy!
This Weeks Weekend Reading
On a serious note first, this week I was talking to Nick Savoy from Love Systems, and he asked me to pass along this piece of information to everyone. He is spearheading an effort to get behind Charles Lynch, a man he feels was unjustly convicted of a crime. Read all about it on Savoy’s blog, and if you feel compelled, lend a hand in helping anyway you can.
On the Playboy site, there is a great “How to” Guide to College Life. It includes great advice on quickly chilling a six pack, making the punch, talking the cops out of busting your party… and more.
If you want to ponder a question of our community, Mack Tight asks the question “Are Lay Reports Creepy?” over at his site.
Men’s Health put out a list of 17 Things You Must Do This Fall and in another article lists 5 Moves Guaranteed to Make Her Notice You. There is also a useful article about how to calm down an angry woman.
Stephen Nash compiled a list of How to Get Girls- A Natural Pick Up in 8 Important Steps. You’re bound to find a thing or two on this list that will help your game.
The Illuminated Mind argues The Secret to Happiness over at his blog. I think it can also be argued that the secret to happiness is also the secret to getting more women in your life.
A great “self help” blogger Steve Pavlina is offering a free chapter of his upcoming new book Personal Development for Smart people over on his site.
On Mike Stoute’s personal site he talks about his crush on Mark Cuban, and how we can all learn a little from the guy.
TSB Week in Review
College students should review the 10 Commandments of College.
A Few new articles in the Success Principles series: Believe its Possible, Believe in Yourself, and Become an Inverse Paranoid.
I broke down the 16 Most Addictive Things on the Internet, and even knowing my addiction… I still succumb.
I lay out a Guide to Fall Rush Parties that I hope you take advantage of.
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.