How To Improve Your Game
You?ve overcome approach anxiety, you?re arranging dates and you?re even occasionally getting laid, but you?re still not satisfied.?
Perhaps you?re unhappy with the quality of the women you?re attracting, or the consistency of which you?re attracting them.?
Honestly, this is a problem which affects most single guys. There are few of us who complain they?re having too much sex with women who are too beautiful.?
Still, the real frustration arrives when there?s so sign of improvement.?
It might feel like you?re destined for this level of success forever. Yet, in reality, you?re probably not trying to improve your game the right way.
Below, we explore some intelligent steps to take your game to the next level.?
A big mistake is to wait until you feel ?ready? to take on a new situation with the opposite sex.
This error is often made by dudes who just discovered it?s possible to improve at attracting women, but want to read another 50 blog posts so they feel prepared.
The truth is: nothing will prepare for you overcoming approach anxiety like doing the damn thing. You?ll never feel ?ready? until you?ve tried it a bunch of times.??
This is also true of whatever scenario you haven?t taken on yet. Approaching during the daytime. Approaching while she?s stood with friends. Talking to the ?perfect 10?.? Going to the club alone. Trying to pull a threesome.?
It?ll remain intimidating until you do it. The quickest way to improve at Level 2 isn?t to practice Level 1 another hundred times. It?s not to read more about Level 2. It?s to play the damn new level.??
Face your fears. The more you practice, the less anxiety you?ll experience, the smoother you?ll become.?
There are certain behaviors that?ll get you laid occasionally and other moves that get you laid consistently.?
For example, being extremely direct with your intent will help you nail the women who were really horny, but will repel everyone else including several who may have been on the fence.?
In my experience, the use of ?canned lines? will get you laid occasionally, but you?ll boost your overall self-esteem by learning not to rely on them. It?ll prove that women like you for you, rather than the lines you learned from the internet.??
When your confidence is based on who you are, you?ll feel consistently great about yourself rather than having a mood reliant on how well your pick-up lines work. This will serve to get you laid more consistently.?
The concept of ?levelling up? can also apply to the quality of the women you?re attracting.?
The first question to ask is: are you even approaching enough of the hottest women? If you?re mostly gaming in shithole general audience clubs, the answer is no. If you?re still intimidated or feel unworthy of truly beautiful women, the answer is also no (because you haven?t approached enough of them to be desensitised).?
It?s rarely taught that you should run different game on the hottest women, because this usually leads to men putting ?10s? on a pedestal.?
However, the truth is: there are certain behaviors that will attract Plain Janes but repel the true hotties.?
Let?s say you want to jump in front of a woman as she?s walking and open with some outrageous self-amusing opener. A plain woman might appreciate the confidence needed for this audaciousness move, but what about the hottie who is surrounded by high-value guys? Would the high-value guy she usually dates use such a corny line to get her attention? Or would he calmly look her in the eye and say ?hi?, letting his body language and perceived status do the work for him?
Another question to ask is: what do you do when a woman looks in your eyes as if she wants to kiss you? Plain Jane might be turned on by the confidence required to pick up on this social cue and engage in a marathon snogging session. But what about the Victoria?s Secret model? Might she be more attracted if you smirk and tell her that public make-outs are inappropriate? The true dimepiece may agree this is true.?
The behaviors that repel the hottest women are difficult to spot, because they do work on some women.??
A good rule of thumb is: avoid gimmicks. If you?re behaving differently to how you would around those who already like you, it could harm you around the true 10s.??
Another truth worth remembering is that truly high-value people can do less to be attractive, because of who they?re being.?
Everyone has small quirks they?re aren?t aware of.??
As such, it?s highly likely you have blind spots holding you back when it comes to attracting women.?
It?s rare that a woman will tell you exactly what turned her off. She?ll just walk away. However, if you have a dating coach or experienced wingman by your side, they might be able to see the problem straight away. They?re not witnessing your behavior through biased eyes.?
It?s highly recommended to have an experienced player offering feedback on your interactions This is probably the most time-effective way to improve your game.
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Joe Elvin Joe Elvin travels the world working remotely as a lifestyle writer and confidence coach. Throughout 2017, he filmed his entire dating life as part of a national television documentary in the UK. His new book 'The Camera Never Lies' details the brutal truths about dating and relationships learned from this experience. You can learn more about the book and download the first chapter for free by clicking here >>