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The Pick Up Artist Savoy On Openers

img Posted September 10, 2008

Savoy, the leader of Love Systems, and author of the classic book Magic Bullets, sits down and gives some really comprehensive examples of the different types of pick up artist openers. In these three videos he goes through the risk involved in each kind of opener, and the reward that goes along with it. He

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The Best Weekend Reading from Around the Web

img Posted August 30, 2008

Since we usually slow down posting on Saturdays (we all need time to recover from Fridays) we’ve decided to do something different every Saturday. We will collecting the best articles from around the web all week on topics like: dating, pick-up, health, sex, fitness, personal development, fashion, tech, and just about any other tidbit of

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How to be the Coolest Kid in High School

img Posted August 27, 2008

Last year I put together a long series titled “How to be Popular in High School” which even included a podcast going over the different aspects of climbing the social ladder. But sometimes just merely being popular is not enough. Sometimes it is necessary that we are the social superstars. The guy who leads the

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31 Days to Better Game Series Listing

img Posted July 28, 2008

The 31 Days to Better Game series recently ended and I’ve been getting a lot of requests to create a page specifically for all of the articles… so here it is. This is the central page of the 31 Days to Better Game series that I ran here at TSB Magazine. Here you will find

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Run a SWOT Analysis on Yourself (day 31)

img Posted July 25, 2008

Today is the last day in the 31 Days to Better Game series and as a result I want to make your last task a little reflective and forward looking. Your task today is to run a SWOT Analysis on your self. A SWOT analysis is a strategic tool that has been used for many

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Ending a Fling or Relationship (day 30)

img Posted July 24, 2008

We are at day 30 of our 31 Days to Better Game series.? A couple lessons ago we dealt with managing a relationship.? While many of you may not set out looking for a relationship, at any given moment you might find yourself in one. Sometimes you don’t even realize that what you have is

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Roosh Says: Ignore Her Nonsensical Babblings

img Posted July 24, 2008

This week’s question is about guy friends… Hey Roosh, Quite a number of times, on dates or on the phone, a girl will mention other guy friends she has. Or talk about guys that they are “supposedly” not interested in. I assume this is another of many shit-tests… What’s the most effective way to nullify

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Mike Stoute Live Pick-Up with Kiss Close!

img Posted July 23, 2008

I know a lot of you guys have been waiting to see Mike Stoute or Bobby Rio in action. Well, here is your chance. We filmed one of Mike’s most recent pick up videos. This one took place in a park. I think its safe to say that Mike puts all the other PUAs to

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Tips for Getting Better in Bed (day 29)

img Posted July 23, 2008

We are at the 29th day of our 31 Days to Better Game series. Yesterday we talked about managing a relationship. Even though many men don’t set out to enter a relationship… that’s where they end up. This is because many of the guys get addicted to the steady sex they are getting for the

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Managing a Relationship (day 28)

img Posted July 22, 2008

We are at the 28th day of our 31 Days to Better Game series.? The last two lessons focused on turning a female friend into your girlfriend.? While this may ultimately be what you want, if you’ve never been in a serious relationship before I think its crucial that you follow some guidelines heading in.

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