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David Shade’s Personal Power

img Posted April 13, 2007

Here is an interesting post by another guide who made a cameo in “The Game,” David Shade. Personal Power by David Shade What does it mean to be personally powerful? Entire books have been written on that subject. The place to start is to study the teachings of Marknosis. But here are my comments: Do

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The Cherishment Cycle – How to Build Early Infatuation Into Much More

img Posted April 12, 2007

I must honestly say, that of all the newsletters that I receive, Sebastian of Master the Vibe, is one of the view guru’s who always has something original to say. I am really considering buying his ebook just to do a review on it. How to Love by Sebastian Drake The Cherishment Cycle – what

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Tyler Durden on State Control

img Posted April 11, 2007

Most who have read Neil Strauss’s The Game probably have a negative view of PUA Tyler Durden. But the fact is, he put out alot of intersting stuff to read over the years. State Control by Tyler Durden  Revelations for me, probably other guys thought of this.. To my mind, this is really important shit.

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Preparing Your Place for Hot Girls

img Posted April 10, 2007

Here is a quick and to the point BadBoy post about getting the place ready for chicks. Don’t be lax on this, they do notice! Your Bachelor Pad by Badboy  For women, your living space is an image of you. It represents things about your life, your self esteem, and gives a pretty good representation

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The Mystery Method on “Talking About ex Girlfriends”

img Posted April 9, 2007

This is a good newsletter by the guys at Mystery Method on why and how you should bring up your ex girlfriends. Talking about your ex by The Mystery Method  When done properly, talking about ex-girlfriends is one of the most powerful tools to subtly communicate important and attractive qualities about yourself in a very

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How to Deal with Approach Anxiety

img Posted April 6, 2007

This was something that I took out of a recent edition of Cliff’s list. “Approach Anxiety? Here’s The REAL Cure.” Approach Anxiety, like everything else in life, is a choice. At least that’s how I like to view it – I like to pretend that everything in my life, including my emotions, are my sole

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Style’s Best Friend’s Test

img Posted April 5, 2007

I’ve used this again recently just for kicks and really forgot how well it can work if you can succefully play off of it when its done. I might have posted this before but its worth reposting for those who don’t already own The Game by Neil Strauss. The Best Friend Test by Neil Strauss

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How to Score in the Gym

img Posted April 4, 2007

Personally, I never had much luck meeting girls in the gym, but this Mike Pillinski article has some great advice for those of you who would like to give it a shot. Picking up Girls at the Gym by Mike Pillinski The other day I was at the local gym in the midst of one

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The Diamond Between Your Legs…

img Posted April 2, 2007

Here is a quick Badboy post about defending yourself from the “you just want to sleep with me” line most girls will feed you at some point. The Diamond Between Your Legs by Badboy Whenever a woman gives me a problem about sleeping together I simply tell her: "The diamond between your legs is not

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How to create a “Soulmate’s Moment”

img Posted March 30, 2007

I love Sebastian’s stuff. His newsletters are always ALWAYS worth posting. And his Master the Vibe hidden mic audio is one of my favorite courses. This one is no different. Make a Women Think You’re her Soul mate by Sebastian drake  Soulmate’s Moment is one of the most powerful things you can achieve when meeting

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Why Aren’t I Good With Women?

img Posted March 29, 2007

I love this Stephen Nash post because its so true. I really recommend his ebook! Want to know why you are unsuccessful with women? It might masquerade as shyness, nerves, neediness, lack of style, bad breath, or body odor. Want to know the real answer? Its simple and its true: Insecurity.

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