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How to Do Better With Women

img Posted November 10, 2006

David DeAngelo sent out this informative and motivational newsletter that I thought I would post. David’s stuff is great for reinforcement of what you may already know… and his ebook Double Your Dating is a great place to get started if you are new to all of this. Increase Success With Girls by David DeAngelo

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Seducing Girls

img Posted November 9, 2006

Here is another new post I found on Fast Seduction. It is a quick basic refresher course for the seducer. Seducing girls – A Complete Guide Improve appearance on day to day basis. Get organized – written goals/plans. Focus on these 3 areas: –Gym & nutrition. Girls seem to value strong/raw physique much more than

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Phone Game Made Easy

img Posted November 8, 2006

Here is a post I found on Fast Seduction. Phone game is something that I struggled with for awhile and this post is a brief outline of what your goals should be in each phone interaction. How to deal with Getting Girls Phone Numbers Goal 1: (Same Night) Get her comfortable with you as a

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The Easiest Way to Lose a Woman Fast

img Posted November 7, 2006

Below is another good article from Derek Vitalio. He continually impresses me with the amount of useful, informative articles that he puts out for free on weakly basis. While I only own his Opening Magic ebook, I would have to assume that all of his programs are gold. How to Lose a Woman by Derek

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Use YOUR Passions to Attract Women

img Posted November 6, 2006

Below is a quick little post from Sebastian of Master the Vibe. I firmly believe in what he is saying and am actually planning on writing a post about this in the near future. Read my review of Master the Vibe. Using Your Passions to Attract Women by Sebastian Drake Done for the right reasons,

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Rewarding Women For Good Behavior

img Posted November 5, 2006

I really like this post from Dan over on the Charisma Arts Website. It is extremely true that when you say “i like you” you instantly gain a sense of rapport with the person. Rewarding Women for Good Behavior by Dan Rewarding someone with appreciation is really one of the strongest ways you can create

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An Interesting Way to Approach Clerks

img Posted November 4, 2006

Below is from a newsletter I got from Ross Jeffries of Speed Seduction, this is actually something one of his students sent him, but it is interesting for all those looking for new ways to approach girls. Hitting on Clerks at Stores by Ross Jeffries Recently I got an email from a student who told

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Rules of the First Date

img Posted November 3, 2006

Here is a quick read from Mike Pillinski. It is about the terribly awkward first date. First Date Rules by Mike Pillinski First dates will always be nerve-wracking affairs for most men I suppose, but they don’t necessarily have to become a festival of hurt feelings and blown opportunities if you just stick to my

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When Should I Kiss Her

img Posted November 1, 2006

Below is a short but sweet post from Badboy. This post is about something I still to this day get caught up on… so I believe its worth reading!!  Check out his Ebook! When Should You Kiss Her by Badboy Being relaxed is one of the most important elements in pickup and in life. When

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Quote of the day 10/31/2006

img Posted October 31, 2006

“That beautiful girl, as intimidating as she may seem, IS STILL JUST A GIRL. She has hopes and dreams. She has insecurities and fears.” –Ross Jeffries

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Don’t Put all Your Eggs in One Basket

img Posted October 27, 2006

Below is an aricle from Derek Vitalio. It is a good piece of advice that everyone of us needs to be reminded of from time to time. Yes, even Bobby! Be Working Many Women by Derek Vitalio  Do you remember grade school? C’mon, the dirty knees, possibly a little nap time, the strange recess games?

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