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The 7 Seduction Archetypes

img Posted August 30, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : The dandy attracts a woman by being ambiguous. He doesn’t fit the stereotypically masculine ideal. He can’t be categorized. He clearly likes women, but gives off a homesexual vibe to most that encounter him. He even seems to indulge in that vibe. The dandy fashions his image to be a bit mysterious by going above

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The Shit Test Formula

img Posted July 30, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : How to Pass a Girl’s Shit Test What’s the right attitude for responding to a “shit test?” How should you respond when a girl throws one at you? This is a question I get a lot when I’m working with one of my private coaching clients. “Should I appear angry?” “Should I laugh it off”

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How to Arouse a Woman: The Secret to Sexual Attraction

img Posted July 9, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : The Secrets to Making Her Horny and Aroused There are few things that empower a man more than his ability to arouse a woman sexually. But not every guy knows which buttons to push, since there seem to be so many, and each chick is wired differently. So to make things manageable, I present to

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How to Appear Less Needy When Talking to a Girl

img Posted June 7, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : I used to get really confused why a girl would so quickly go home with one of these guys. And I was always obsessed with figuring out “what did he SAY that was so special?” I’d watch them talking, and I’d see her reacting to him in a way girls NEVER reacted to me. It

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How To Get A Girlfriend

img Posted June 6, 2018

From TSBMag Archive : How to Find and Keep a Girlfriend You Really Want DISCLAIMER: Why do you want a girlfriend? Do you feel lacking inside, and hope a woman will complete you? Are you lonely and lost, and seek companionship and direction? Do you believe it?s the thing to do because all your friends are doing it? Well,

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How to Talk Women into Bed

img Posted March 13, 2008

Yesterday I began what will be weekly series called “The Early Years”  The first handful of episodes will focus on my beginning in the community and my brief time studying and practicing Speed Seduction. Although I have since moved on to a more natural game I do feel that I learned a lot of principles

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Changing Beliefs Using NLP Video

img Posted October 27, 2006

NLP and seduction seem to go hand in hand lately. I am more a fan of NLP for its personal development implications. Bandler/Grinder are two of the founders of NLP and here is a video of them in practice. RXNjvZf4o4A Check out some great books on NLP

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Meeting the Perfect Man Pattern

img Posted October 22, 2006

Ross Jeffries came up with the whole speed seduction basis of using patterns in language to seduce women. I’m not really into it since my style of seduction leans more toward cocky/funny than anything else. But I’ve been experimenting with using some pattens in emails i send girls. I will keep you posted on the

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Use What They Give You

img Posted October 18, 2006

The advice Ross Jeffries gives in this newsletter below is more so for those guys out there practicing speed seduction… but the advice really can be related to any method of seduction that you are currently practicing. Also, I’d like to hear from any of you out there who use Speed Seduction. I am curious

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The Natural Woman Pattern

img Posted October 15, 2006

I posted an old Cliff’s List newsletter a couple days ago that referenced “the natural woman pattern” in an email that Zan had sent. Curious I searched the internet to see if I could find it. Well, here it is… Natural Woman NLP Seduction Pattern  Mindlist: “Do you think most men know what women really

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Nlp Self Anchoring: Circle of Excellence

img Posted March 25, 2006

an nlp article about self anchoring

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img Posted March 9, 2006

an article that relates to seduction patterns, nlp, and anchoring to get women in bed with you.

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The Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern 2

img Posted February 5, 2006

The Boyfriend Destroyer: Part II This is one of Ross’s most controversial patterns. Check out his site for more on speed seduction at Note: Originally, I taught this pattern to be used if she brought up the boyfriend objection when you first asked her out. With all the other patterns I’ve shown you, I’d

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