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Determine Your Drug-Free Genetic Potential

Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard you lift, you will never get the same results as your friend, who eats very poorly and barely works out. How does that work? How can someone gain muscle so easily, while another person struggles to gain even small amounts of size? This all relates to genetic

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4 Secrets to Feeling More Energetic This Winter

Yes, it?s cold. Yes, it?s miserable. Now stop making excuses and get working out. Exercise has been proven to prevent depression, lift your mood, and help you develop an awesome, ripped body. Working out regularly also helps to make sure that your immune system keeps working properly, which can help you to avoid the many

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The 10 Healthiest Ways To Build Muscle

Make sure you start reading food labels and check how many calories you?re taking in. Then add 500 calories to that number and start eating that amount every day. Ideally, you want to be aiming for about one gram of protein per pound of body weight. 2. Limit Your Amount of Cardio Make sure to

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