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All posts by Natasha Abrahams


    What to wear for a movie date

    img Posted February 12, 2016

    [caption id=\"attachment_54899\" align=\"aligncenter\" width=\"640\"] [/caption] Does your outfit matter if you?re sitting in the dark? Your outfit is always a matter of impo ...


    What to do with your new girlfriend on Valentine’s Day

    img Posted February 8, 2016

    [caption id=\"attachment_54836\" align=\"aligncenter\" width=\"640\"] [/caption] Surviving Valentine?s Day in a new or casual relationship For your first ever Valentine?s Day in ...


    How to wear the field jacket

    img Posted February 5, 2016

    [caption id=\"attachment_54820\" align=\"aligncenter\" width=\"600\"] [/caption] Your field guide to the latest outerwear trend Several designers have come out recently with mode ...


    Should you pay for the first date?

    img Posted February 1, 2016

    [caption id=\"attachment_54764\" align=\"aligncenter\" width=\"640\"] [/caption] How to decide between treating her like a princess or like an equal First dates are awkward enoug ...


    Manly ways to wear a cardigan

    img Posted January 29, 2016

    [caption id=\"attachment_54727\" align=\"aligncenter\" width=\"600\"] [/caption] Cardigan outfit ideas for men Cardigans have a bad rap for being a metrosexual item of clothing. ...


    Three ways to get over your ex quickly

    img Posted January 25, 2016

    [caption id=\"attachment_54709\" align=\"aligncenter\" width=\"640\"] [/caption] How to Stop Thinking About Your Ex-Girlfriend and Move On Feeling sorry for yourself is the f ...

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