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15-Minute Workouts You Can Do Before Work

Time is in short supply. We could all do with more of it, but the only way that’s going to happen is if we give up something that already occupies our time. Productivity is a buzz word today, we want to get more work done, the problem is when we can’t get it all done

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How To Come Out As A “None”

How To Come Out As A ?None? It may turn out to be the most difficult conversation you will ever engage in. But you?ve thought about it, wrestled with it, and in the end have decided to tell those closest to you of your non-belief in religion. Voicing your feelings on this matter can be

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Do Food Cravings Actually Mean Anything?

We all crave certain foods at certain times.?While we might be strong enough to resist the bad ones at times, we also succumb to them when the desire overwhelms us. Other times, however, the craving might be for a healthy food, which starts to beg the question: do we crave a certain food because of

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