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All posts tagged "Sex Tips"


    3 Of Her Erogenous Zones You’re Ignoring

      Sex is the biggest deal. It doesn?t matter if you spend three hours a day at the gym, make a million dollars a year or could flirt your way to the White House. ...


    Ways to Increase Your Sex Drive

    The title of this article may seem funny to a lot of guys. ?Increase my sex drive? I need to LOWER my sex drive.? What I?ve been hearing from a lot of guys lately is a a diminished ...


    How Long Do Women Wait To Have Sex?

    Forget About The Third Date Rule Ever heard about the third date rule? Some TV shows like Sex and the City or women?s magazines like Cosmopolitan teach the ?Third Date Rule.? This ...


    How Can You Last Longer In Bed?

    Simpler Than You Think ?You have nothing to be ashamed of.? Women will tell you that, but do they really mean it? Articles, ?stamina? pills, even books on controlling your mind ...