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All posts by Joe Elvin


    What To Talk About On A Date

    img Posted May 1, 2019

    A full list of things to say on a first date If you\'ve been scrolling the web for advice on things to say to a woman, you\'ll probably have already heard that it\'s not what yo ...


    How To Win A Girl Over After She’s Rejected You

    img Posted April 24, 2019

    It\'s common for girls to act cold after you approach One word answers. Not looking up from her phone. Verbally stating her disinterest. We\'ve all been there... The question i ...


    How To Boost Self-Esteem

    img Posted April 17, 2019

    Self-esteem is the first step to getting girls Without self-esteem, even the slickest seduction tricks will be useless. A woman will be able to tell if you deserve her by re ...


    How To Make Her Notice You

    img Posted April 11, 2019

    A guide for girls you meet at work, college or the gym You\'re so close, yet so far? There\'s an incredible woman on the outskirts of your social circle, She appears to b ...


    How To Move From A Break-Up

    img Posted March 26, 2019

    Your awesome new life awaits you Moving on from a break-up can feel impossible. No matter how hard you try not to, it\'s common to keep having thoughts about your ex-partner ...


    Why Am I Scared Of Talking To Girls – And How Can I Fix It?

    img Posted March 20, 2019

    Fear ruins most guys? dating lives There are plenty of situations in life that are perfectly logical to fear, but flirting with a beautiful woman isn?t one of them. It makes ...

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