Should Men Exfoliate?

OK guys, we?re going into unknown territories here. Exfoliation is not even in most men?s vocabulary so you can imagine how many of them actually do it.

The Definition

Exfoliation is the process through which one removes dead skin from (typically) your face, to show off new skin. You may think that this already happens naturally when we wash our faces. That?s true. But exfoliating will actually result in a cleaner, smoother skin.

Can you remember a guy who had a really clean skin? You know? no spots, no pimples? a really shiny skin? He either had good genetics, or he was exfoliating regularly.

Do Men Need It?

Clean your face!

That?s actually up to each of us to decide. If you?re not happy with your facial skin, then you should be happy there are men?s exfoliating products. If you think your facial skin is fine, try it for a few weeks and see if you?re happy with the results.

How to Exfoliate

Exfoliation, though the name sounds complicated, is actually pretty simple. You choose an exfoliating gel or cream, wet your face with water, apply the cream or gel, scrub for a few minutes, then rinse and dry.

As a rule, you should scrub until you won?t feel the grains on your face anymore while you move your hands in a circular motion over your face.

When Should We Exfoliate?

You should ideally exfoliate before each shave, as part of your morning facial routine. If you?re on a budget or aren?t that much of a ?I want perfect skin? kind of guy, do it at least a couple of times a week.

Are Exfoliating Creams Expensive?

Not at all. You can get one for under $10 and it will last you for at least 4 weeks.

That?s it! Nothing complicated about it. Exfoliation is not as important as other personal hygiene rules but ?it can make a real difference in the way your skin looks. Give it a try.

For more, check out


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About George Lazar A geek in high-school and college, George became hooked on men's style because he saw it's amazing effects. After a few years of changing every aspect of his clothing and reading everything there is to know about the topic, he now looks amazing. He published his first book about men's style and was invited on TV to show it.
