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All posts by Rob J.


    Dating: A Human Art

    img Posted March 1, 2011

    The Guru Recently I heard a dating instructor say that he doesn?t feel comfortable demonstrating how to pickup girls in front of his students anymore. ?I?m afraid of them seeing m ...


    The 7 Girl-Friendly Accessories for Your Home

    img Posted February 16, 2011

    Necessary Owns It?s Valentine?s Day and I?m sitting in my girlfriend?s apartment writing this article. She?s off at class and I?ve taken my pants off, using her computer, and eati ...


    Rob Judge Tells Us How To Get Over Approach Anxiety

    img Posted February 11, 2011

    Weird Story: His iPhone Was His Wingman When He Got the Hot Girl He made out with the ugly girl first. I?d told him to approach the redhead he?d been eyeing all night. Tom gaze ...


    3 Conversation Topics to Take Things to the Next Level: “Distilled Normalcy”

    img Posted February 8, 2011

    Conversation Topics That Create \"The Vibe\" Whether you?re on a date, at the bar, or with a woman in any situation that you?d like to take to an ?intimate level,? knowing how t ...


    Get Dates, Get Girls: An Interview with Sinn

    img Posted February 4, 2011

    ?Probably the most important skill a guy can learn to improve his dating life,? Jon Sinn explained to me, ?is to become a good date.? Perhaps that isn?t what you?d expect to hear f ...


    Speaking HER Language

    img Posted January 28, 2011

    Ton corps est mon tr?sor. Je te d?sire. Do you know what that means? Unless you can read French, I could have typed ?dkljdsklj dskljdsjfsklj kjsdkljdslfsjl? and it would have just ...

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