Two Huge Reasons Why You Landed in the Friendzone

Why Fanboys get Friendzoned and How to Avoid the Trap

Alright let?s cut through the fluffy intro and get straight to the shit you need.? We?ve all been ?friendzoned? and it blows?

Figuratively speaking?

Not literally?

We do everything right?

Be polite, chivalrous, listen to her, give her things she likes, and after all that we still get friendzoned.


It a pretty much boils down to not creating enough interest in yourself because you?re showing too much interest in her.

If you?re non-polarizing, constantly stroking her ego, and being a cheerleader then you?re just gonna fall in the FANBOY CROWD ?

Which is just as bad if not worse than the friendzone because it still results in no chance of romantic encounters.

?Girls love cheerleaders?

?they love to call them ?just friends? too?




Let?s explain the Fanboy.

Think about it this way.? Imagine you?re a huge celebrity?

?Every single day you?ve got hundreds of fans approaching you and asking for pictures and autographs and shit.

At a certain point it gets old and any person who approaches you like that just becomes another fan of yours like all the rest?


?Here?s why?

The most important thing to remember is that all the ?pussy capital? in the world belongs solely to women?

Women have all the pussy in the world?Don?t argue with me.

As a result they get a lot of fans trying to get some of that pussy capital from them?

?like a lot a lot?

Women constantly have guys telling them how beautiful and incredible they are, putting them on a pedestal to get a dip in the honey pot?

If you?re being overly nice and agreeable and you?ve already showed romantic intentions, then to her you?re just another FANBOY?

?You say nice things and you know her zodiac compatibility, her favorite place to eat, you like everything she puts on social media and?

?She thinks you?re nothing special because you?re just another creeping fanboy lost in the crowd trying to get an autograph?

?You can probably look in her comments and see all the other fanboys that she isn?t sleeping with telling her how amazing and beautiful she is?

Celebrities don?t date their fans?they date other celebrities?





The cheerleader is a lot like the fanboy except the cheerleader hasn?t had the nerve to make any sort of sexual or romantic advances.

This is THEE quickest way to bury yourself in a concrete tomb on a grassy knoll in the friendzone?

The cheerleader does all the same stuff the fanboy does?

?All over her social media with likes and comments fluffing her up?

?Cheering her on in everything she does to make her feel like a superstar?

?agreeing with her on everything she says and does even if it?s a lie?


The cheerleader hasn?t even attempted to cross the line between ?friend? and ?friend with benefits? so SHE DOESN?T EVEN KNOW HE?S INTERESTED IN SEX.

This is the worst thing that can be done with a girl we want to sleep with?

?Do you know why hot girls aren?t all-star quarterbacks? ?

?Because hot girls don?t bang their cheerleaders?





What this means is that you should be openly disagreeable on things you disagree with?

?Now don?t go looking to start an argument with her and don?t bring up politics or something that you know will lead to a battle?

?But if she watches teen mom and you think that is THEE dumbest show in the history of eyeballs?

Then tell her what you think because she gets so many fanboys agreeing with her all the time that you set yourself apart.



If we?re double tapping, liking, and commenting ?you?re such a boss? for everyday of her 100-day workout challenge hoping that gets us noticed?we?re begging her to tune us out.

We sound like cheerleaders?



What I mean by that is notice what she?s doing through social media and take note of it, but don?t follow her like you?re trying to keep up with the Kardashians.

Make time to spend with her one-on-one and since we know what she?s interested in and what she?s doing, we don?t even have to waste time talking about the obvious stuff.

?Ya I saw you?re training for a 5k.? That?s really cool! What is your motivation for wanting to do that??

??what are you going to tackle next after this 5k??

??what have you learned about yourself from training for this??

Since we already know what she?s got cooking on the surface we can delve DEEPER and create a stronger connection with her?

Separate yourself from her social media fans.



Most women get complemented a lot and even if they don?t it will start to sound like a broken record if you do it enough?

?Get creative with it?but not cheesy?

When I say get creative I DO NOT mean get poetic and cheesy.

DO NOT tell her:

?your flowing hair is more beautiful than the sunrise?

??I keep losing myself in the deep ocean of your eyes?


?Simmer down Shakespeare?


Give her complements she?s never had before that have nothing to do with her looks?

?you have such an incredible way of looking at life?

?you have a beautiful soul?

?I really love your energy?

?you are much more than just a pretty face?

?your personality is even more refreshing than your beauty?

?She probably doesn?t get complements like these very often so when she does they come as a surprise and get her interested in you because you?ve set yourself apart?



You can pretty much get on her social media, look at all the guys who are in her comments and see exactly what NOT TO DO?

?Those are her fanboys and cheerleaders and if you want to never get laid then do what they do?


Pro Tips

  • I knew this girl that would get 100 comments every time she would post a picture from guys telling her how beautiful she is and calling her angel and gorgeous and all that. Every time I would comment ?meh?? on her picture.? She would always reply to my comment and nobody else?s.? She got mad the first time and said ?rude!?.? So I replied, ?I just didn?t want all these thirsty dudes inflating your head because I know you?re more than just a pretty face?.? It became our inside joke after that.? Creative complements are key.


  • During conversation ask unique questions to get her to open up.? Most guys can?t see past the surface, so they never get inside?Questions like:

“What is your biggest goal in life?”

“Would you rather bang a super ugly guy or a really hot girl?”

“What countries are on your bucket list to travel to?”

“What?s your most embarrassing sexual experience? (here I?ll go first)” Tell her yours first to ease the tension of her telling you her embarrassing secrets

The reason those questions are money is because they get her thinking about her future and sex and her subconscious mind makes an association with YOU.? Go in depth with those things because the more she talks with you about those types of things, he more she?ll think about you as part of them.


Stay thirsty my friends,


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About Van Bender Van Bender is a writer and coach specializing in becoming the alpha, the art of attraction and hacking the friendzone. Check out my website and subscribe for exclusive content

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