Top Five Movies of Jennifer Aniston

Let?s get this out of the way ? I remember watching the first year of ?Friends? and that?s about it. If it was on, I wouldn?t fight it, but shows that have a new concept that intrigue me, after they stop being new, lose my interest fast. However, as a fan of ?Community? (Thursday 8 pm EST/PST ? a show along with ?Parks and Recreation? that you should be watching) I can now understand the whole ?Friends? thing more. It might not be the comedy, or the situation, but instead just taking thirty minutes to enjoy whatever happens with your television ?Friends.? I just like my friends at an alliterative community college in Colorado over a coffee klatch in ? Manhattan.

Jennifer Aniston being hot

While I wasn?t a fan of the show, I understand why people love Jennifer Aniston. It also makes sense why they want to see her again and again in romantic comedies because her story on ?Friends? was all about finding a boy for her and her real life was all about Brad Pitt. So, we?ll continue to see things like this weekend?s ?Just Go With It? as people that are just dying to see her end up with the right guy. From my rankings, you can see that isn?t me. But, I?ll never be the one that argues against Jennifer being attractive. At least her movies always have that going for them.

5. Along Came Polly

This one is in for the supporting characters. If you can get Alec Baldwin and Phillip Seymour Hoffman together, you can get beauty like David Mamet?s ?State and Main.? Or you can get this occasionally funny movie.

4. Rock Star

Is this adaptation of the story of Rob Halford of Judas Priest that good of a movie? No, but seeing Jennifer Aniston look like she?s on her way to a Dokken concert makes a good heavy metal fantasy come true.

3. Bruce Almighty

At least this one doesn?t try to pass itself off as a romantic comedy. It?s all about Jim Carrey (and in any of his movies, when is that not the case) but Jennifer handles being the supportive girlfriend with aplomb.

2. Office Space

Here is a wonderful cult classic written and directed by Mike Judge and based on his comic ?Milton.? I know that I would frequent the restaurant Chotchkie?s if there were a waitress like Jennifer there.

1. The Good Girl

When I saw this movie in the theater, I thought that Jennifer would go on to do some amazing work in movies. A young Jake Gyllenhaal, John C. Reilly and Tim Blake Nelson all do great work in supporting roles, but this is her movie and she is fantastic to watch. Unfortunately, with a domestic gross of only about $15 million, I?m in the minority of wanting to see her like this. (?Along Came Polly? just two years later made almost $88 million in comparison. ?Bruce Almighty? in the year in between the two made almost $86 million on its opening weekend.) I?ll never root for someone to fail, but I keep hoping that derivative romantic comedies will go the way of the western on television, and maybe then we?ll see Jennifer do something like ?The Good Girl? again.

Agree? Disagree? Which movies would make your Jennifer Aniston top five?

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About Jason McClain Jason is an aspiring novelist, which means there is a lot of time to put off writing and watch baseball or go fly-fishing, hiking and traveling. By "a lot of time", Jason means "procrastination."

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