Yahoo Groups March 27 2006 “Suggestions for gimmicks and The Chump Opener”

> Message: 1
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 12:20:43 -0500
From: “tjeep”
Subject: Re: Suggestions for Gimmicks…

post your list if you like, it’ll help being focused.

Handwriting analysis, go to local bookstore and check the books, see the one
that is fairly easy to follow, I have a good one called ” The Handwriting
Analysis toolkits” by WEST.

What I found more effective is palm reading for a Varity of reasons, one of
them is as I run my fingers over her palm, I do it in an arousal way. Also,
she gets to see my finger nails, cleaned and manicured, many girls notice
this and the compliment me about it, and what goes inside is “I’m a clean
person, who knows how to take care of himself”.
Palm readings you can pull it out just anywhere, at anytime, handwriting you
need her to set down and write things, which is good when dating or
approaching in coffee shops.

I do many cold readings during my interactions, and let me just tell you how
amazing this is. I’m also looking for a new jersey painting company.
—– Original Message —–
From: “hsvtiger04”
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:10 PM
Subject: [seduction_dating] Suggestions for Gimmicks…

> Okay guys I pulled a clip of Style off limewire from double
> your dating. He noted like 10 areas of his life he would like
> to learn, 10 things he wanted to change about himself and 10 things he
> wanted to rid himself off.
> I made out my own list. I will not bore you guys with that list but
> one thing I definately would like to learn and even outside of terms of
> seduction is handwriting analysis. Anyone on this board learned that?
> what is the best most efficient way to learn that for those who have
> learned?
> Any other gimmicks and suggestions out their for guys who have tried
> this stuff? I have several other things I would like to learn this is
> just the start.


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 17:37:24 -0000
From: “hsvtiger04″
Subject: My night out…Thinking on the fly…..

I went to a club last night to hear a band that I really enjoy. Their
were so many dudes it was a sausage fest.

Regardless, I learned a couple of lessons. First off always follow
your instincts and guts. My last couple of times out in retrospect
has made that clear to me.

While in line at the club their were to girls that got behind in line
one was smoking hot her friend wasnt. In my mind I immediately
thought to myself that girl is looking for action tonight. I didnt
talk to her thought.

So I get in the club and see her with friend dancing with a bunch of
overweight AFC losers. I should have laid groundwork at the door then
reeled her in on the dance floor.

Secondly, I saw these two girls that were really hot. One with a guy
one without. My buddy has been talking to the one but she is single.

As I stand near the club entrance I see loser after loser hit on her
and flame out. She was wearing glasses but damn sure would have
looked better with out them. Later it hit me I easily could have
negged her by saying something like…”nice glasses, ever think you
would look better with contacts..” but didnt. That hit me like 5
minutes after the fact.  Anyone know of a good westfield nj painting.

First off is that a good neg and sometimes I have good material but
have trouble thinking on the fly. Like you know what to say but like
10 minutes later. Any suggestions.


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 14:37:56 -0800
From: “Brandon J. Van Every”
Subject: Re: My night out…Thinking on the fly…..

hsvtiger04 wrote:
> First off is that a good neg and sometimes I have good material but
> have trouble thinking on the fly. Like you know what to say but like
> 10 minutes later. Any suggestions.
Go back and say it if she’s still there? Probably won’t get you
anywhere, but it’s practice. Don’t hesitate, blurt out any old thing?
Idea being that speed is more important than accuracy. Just keep
practicing, eventually your brain will work faster and have more basic
material to work with.

What would I do if I took my own advice? I suppose I’d actually go
out. Right now I think I have a bad attitude. Like, women want to be
way too expensive in terms of my time. Random women aren’t that
interesting and all they want to do is impose delays, hoops, and
hurdles. I’m pretty busy right now, I’m trying to make money, I don’t
have lots of free time. I wonder how many women have figured out that
they’re wasting everybody’s time, including their own?

I have one woman friend who’s in cognitive dissonance. She’s miserable
about not having a boyfriend, but still is too picky. On the other
hand, she does have a legitimate problem that she’s running into men (in
the NYC area) who are too cheap to bother with. I suggested, why don’t
you find somewhere to hang out where men have more money? Can’t be all
these shows and stuff she’s going to. You gonna meet someone well off
at some punk / alternative / trendinista show? I don’t think so.

Prop suggestion: I just finished a book called “The Year Of Yes” by
Maria Headley. She was making herself miserable with the men she was
meeting, she was way too picky, and she didn’t trust her own judgement
anymore. So she decided she’d say “yes” to any man who asked her out,
with some ground rules about them not being violent, too drunk to walk,
etc. So she had a lot of ups and downs, eventually met someone great,
and got married.

Brandon Van Every


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:56:23 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: My night of hefty sarging

I went out Friday night to this club I found full of hot chicks, and I
sarged hard and got my ass kicked several times. Some curious things though:

Firstly I tried using opinion openers and stuff and they just totally
FAILED. I mainly tried the David Bowie and the Jealous Girlfriend openers
and I delivered them well too, but the girls just were onto me straight away
like “What? Why are you asking this?” BAM! Out… The only thing I used from
the books that worked was the best friends test. That WORKED. The pez opener
was shit, they just thought I was an idiot. I pulled and kissed one girl,
but she was older, and the way I pulled her was by just bombarding her with
compliments (yes I know this is not in any of the books).

I approached one set of six girls, opened them, and I’d say about 3 of the 6
were open to me, but there was one FAT BITCH. She just attacked every word
that came out of my mouth. Then after about 2 minutes she looks at me hard
and goes “You’ll be leaving soon will you?” – so I ejected with style (I
think it is important to eject in such cases leaving them feeling like they
are rude bitches) so I said “I was a pleasure talking to you, have a great
night.” Later one of the other girls came up and apologized for the fat

But I’ll tell you what my REAL problem is and this is has got me really
stuck now. The girls just DON’T TALK BACK. I guess this is the thing about
hook point, they won’t f__king hook!!! Like I literally just RUN OUT OF
MATERIAL. This happened over and over. Say I see two girls, and I walk over
and start talking and they appear receptive and friendly to me, but it goes
like this (this was the pattern about 6 times):

ME: “Hey how’s it going? Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah!”

GIRLS: “He he…”

ME: ” Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah?”

GIRLS: “Yes….”

ME: “Blah blah best friends test?”

GIRLS: “Ha ha ha!!!”

ME: ” Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah!!”

GIRLS: “Tee hee…”

ME: “……… Oh Kaaaay… Well, catch you girls later.”


Like what the f__k? They sort of go “Okay, you are here – entertain us.”



Message: 5
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 14:58:28 -0800
From: “Brandon J. Van Every”
Subject: survey on the street

Currently I make my living gathering signatures for ballot initiatives.
I get paid by the signature; if I get a lot of signatures, I make a lot
of money. The job is mostly about showing up at the right place at the
right time, and saying the same 1 sentence over and over and over again.

I thought, I have some minor skill working with the public because of my
job. Why can’t I use this to get women? I thought about the
differences between signature gathering and hitting on a woman.
Signatures are easier because there’s a tangible, a very simple
transaction to be performed. Here, sign this. Responses are yes, no,
or a bit of prodding if they’re indecisive. All I have to do is make a
short, sufficient political argument that they should sign. Nobody’s
worried about whether I’ll get them pregnant, whether they’ll marry me,
or if we’ll prove too emotionally expensive for each other. Here
sign… yes? no? ok, goodbye. On to the next one if they’re not
signing. On to the next one *as* they’re signing.

So is there any simple transaction that can be performed with multiple
women, queueing them up?

I should also note, if I’m working on the right measure, I may end up
talking to gazillions of good looking to hot single women in the course
of a day. But I’m a bit concerned about the image of professional
ethics. Not interested in driving off business behaving like a
skeezer. I keep thinking there must be a way though.

I have thought of designing a “racy survey.” Say 10 YES / NO
questions. The last question would be “do you want to go out with the
guy giving this survey?” Space for a name and phone number. Signs
would say “all results anonymous” and I’d have a manual paper shredder
on the table. Could offer “shredded paper tacos” to those who don’t
want to be recorded. I’m offering a performance art experience. I’m a
high status male because the experience I offer is unique.

If you were going to design a survey, what questions would you put on it?

Brandon Van Every


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 23:10:23 -0000
From: “B Wu”
Subject: Similar q, approach at gym

I go to the gym a lot, love it, and i don’t go to pick up women, but
of course you see a lot of attractive women there and of the type that
i would like, one’s that work out and take care of their bodies. now
this is similar to the diner question, what are some of the best
approaches for women at the gym? i’ve read a lot of stuff but none of
it seems practical.

thanks for help


Message: 7
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 16:38:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Stanley Wong
Subject: Re: Similar q, approach at gym

i just make eye contact and roll over…small talk and
get the number and get back to my work out. i don’t
like my work out interrupted and i think you just
gotta get in…talk a little bit and finish by saying
you’ll call her to finish up the convo then get the
number and bone out. that’s what i’ve done. now the
date part is another story.

— B Wu wrote:

> I go to the gym a lot, love it, and i don’t go to
> pick up women, but
> of course you see a lot of attractive women there
> and of the type that
> i would like, one’s that work out and take care of
> their bodies. now
> this is similar to the diner question, what are some
> of the best
> approaches for women at the gym? i’ve read a lot of
> stuff but none of
> it seems practical.
> thanks for help
> bwu


Message: 8
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 17:23:29 -0800 (PST)
From: dee fex
Subject: Re: Re: Body Language

Michael Great post brother, thank you!

It’s a powerful mind-frame that many of
us want to adopt. I know I’ll be working
overtime to integrate this idea, especially
now that Spring is coming (at least where
I’m at – East Coast of ‘the States’:)

Cheers Michael!

-Danny F.X. wrote: I agree, the Whole IOI thing is sometimes
vastly overrated. I can usually tell when there is serious interest there: major
eye contact, grooming behavior, out right smile, wink, etc….those, of course
are easy. Where newbie PUAs miss out is when they don’t get any of this, and,
based on the lack of IOIs, decide not to approach. Big mistake.

When i was a newbie PUA, I only went for women who pretty much beat me over the
head with “approach me, apporach me!” IOIs. And while that was an approach that
generally got me numbers and eventually dates, sex, etc, what it did not get me
is what i most wanted:control. By seeking out only women with body language
IOIs, i limited my “conquest” to those who expressed interest in me; thus
ceeding control, in true AFC fashion, to a woman.

To combat this, i began to consciously talk to any woman i found attractive,
whether or not she gave me IOIs. And what i found was that many women who are
interested dont necessarily show the blatant ioi signs or body language tip offs
that we might wait for or want to see or they dont show them when we, as men,
expect to see them. Many of the women who i just approached, IOI be damned,
later told me they noticed me BEFORE i approached them (and before i noticed
them in some instances), or that they had hoped i would say something to them.
So why no IOIs that i could discern? One thing i discovered is that women may
“check you out” or eye you long before you check them out or even notice them.
Walking down the street, for instance, many woman will look at you and make
decisions about you (based on your looks and the way you walk) long before you
are close enough to make regular eye contact. Women in street scenarios in
particular, may not feel comfortable making real eye contact up
close, when most men expect it, bu tmay have already checked you out and
wouldn’t mind a hello, etc.

I suppose the bottom line is, if you see something you like, approach w/o
regard to initial body language (obviously if she is sending signals, and she is
to your liking, go for it). The game gets interesting when you can lay down
enough “science” on her in that initial conversation to MAKE her attracted to

> —– Original Message —–
> From: “David Caswell”
> To:
> Subject: [seduction_dating] Re: Body Language
> Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 22:48:48 -0000
> — In, “BrodToddman”
> wrote:
> >
> > — In, dee fex wrote:
> > >
> > > Great Post! I occasionally try to remember to try to pay
> > attention to body language, but David I like your man’s man
> > attitude better.
> Here’s the problem with the whole IOI (Indicator of Interest) concept.
> For this to really work you need to calibrate a chick. How does she
> act when she’s interested? How does she act when she’s not interested?
> I’ve never been able to bring in a bum and Brad Pitt and compare a
> chick’s reaction to both guys.
> I’ve seen lists with dozens of things that could be Indications of
> Interest. But you will never know for sure whether she’s interested in
> doing what you want to do, unless you try to do want you want to do.
> She either will, or won’t. This keeps things very simple.


Message: 9
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 16:58:08 -0800 (PST)
From: dee fex
Subject: Re: My night of hefty sarging

Hey Simon,

Maybe another possibility is that you ‘run out of material’
because you have grown beyond the need to use
– premeditated conversations,
openers, canned tactics and things of that nature….

The only point of using openers to open. From there
it’s about demonstrating worth and value to contribute
to the fun others have on this particular occaision.
If you are there by yourself, it’s important to show
you’re having a good time on your own. Dancing,
flirting with the waitress or bartender, talking to
random passers by etc…

Remember – you are not trying to stay and set and
pick up women and all that other stuff…

You’re there to have a great time. Period.

Because this is something you do where ever you go,
you make it easy for others to have fun.
When you’re actions show that’s what you’re
about, people will naturally want to find out
more about you and make space for you…

Cheers & keep on rockin.

-De Ef

“Hart, Simon” wrote:
I went out Friday night to this club I found full of hot chicks, and I
sarged hard and got my ass kicked several times. Some curious things though:

Firstly I tried using opinion openers and stuff and they just totally
FAILED. I mainly tried the David Bowie and the Jealous Girlfriend openers
and I delivered them well too, but the girls just were onto me straight away
like “What? Why are you asking this?” BAM! Out… The only thing I used from
the books that worked was the best friends test. That WORKED. The pez opener
was shit, they just thought I was an idiot. I pulled and kissed one girl,
but she was older, and the way I pulled her was by just bombarding her with
compliments (yes I know this is not in any of the books).

I approached one set of six girls, opened them, and I’d say about 3 of the 6
were open to me, but there was one FAT BITCH. She just attacked every word
that came out of my mouth. Then after about 2 minutes she looks at me hard
and goes “You’ll be leaving soon will you?” – so I ejected with style (I
think it is important to eject in such cases leaving them feeling like they
are rude bitches) so I said “I was a pleasure talking to you, have a great
night.” Later one of the other girls came up and apologized for the fat

But I’ll tell you what my REAL problem is and this is has got me really
stuck now. The girls just DON’T TALK BACK. I guess this is the thing about
hook point, they won’t f__king hook!!! Like I literally just RUN OUT OF
MATERIAL. This happened over and over. Say I see two girls, and I walk over
and start talking and they appear receptive and friendly to me, but it goes
like this (this was the pattern about 6 times):

ME: “Hey how’s it going? Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah!”

GIRLS: “He he…”

ME: ” Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah?”

GIRLS: “Yes….”

ME: “Blah blah best friends test?”

GIRLS: “Ha ha ha!!!”

ME: ” Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah!!”

GIRLS: “Tee hee…”

ME: “……… Oh Kaaaay… Well, catch you girls later.”


Like what the f__k? They sort of go “Okay, you are here – entertain us.”



Message: 10
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 02:25:20 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: My night of hefty sarging

— In, “Hart, Simon”
> I went out Friday night to this club I found full of hot chicks, and I
> sarged hard and got my ass kicked several times. Some curious things
> Firstly I tried using opinion openers and stuff and they just totally
I mainly tried the David Bowie and the Jealous Girlfriend openers
> and I delivered them well too, but the girls just were onto me
straight away
> like “What? Why are you asking this?” BAM!

How did you use this opener? I find the Jealous Girlfriend or anything
patterned after it, to work really well.

Did you:

1)Give them a REASON for asking it?
2)Use a false time constraint?
3)Address the LEAST attractive girl along with the rest of the group?

Nothing works all the time, but I find when I use all 3 (Mystery says
the first two are important, but I think the 3rd one is even more
important) this works like great.

Out… The only thing I used from
> the books that worked was the best friends test. That WORKED.

Yup, it’s a good one.

The pez opener
> was shit, they just thought I was an idiot.

Never tried it myself.

I pulled and kissed one girl,
> but she was older, and the way I pulled her was by just bombarding
her with
> compliments (yes I know this is not in any of the books).

Was she alone or was she with friends? Were her friends younger and
more attractive?

> I approached one set of six girls, opened them, and I’d say about 3
of the 6
> were open to me, but there was one FAT BITCH. She just attacked
every word
> that came out of my mouth. Then after about 2 minutes she looks at
me hard
> and goes “You’ll be leaving soon will you?” – so I ejected with style (I
> think it is important to eject in such cases leaving them feeling
like they
> are rude bitches) so I said “I was a pleasure talking to you, have a
> night.” Later one of the other girls came up and apologized for the fat
> bitch.

A very good rule is to address the least attractive one if the group
is females only. If mixed, one of the men.

The fat bitch was the resident guard dog for the group. Throw her a
bone next time. The goal is to be really “nice” to everyone else
EXCEPT to the target at first. She won’t expect this and her ego will
kick in.

> But I’ll tell you what my REAL problem is and this is has got me really
> stuck now. The girls just DON’T TALK BACK. I guess this is the thing
> hook point, they won’t f__king hook!!!

How do you do this? Are you trying to get your target to talk with
you? If so, you’re doing it wrong. Your goal should be to provoke your
target to talk with you by ignoring her and talking with her friends.

Like I literally just RUN OUT OF
> MATERIAL. This happened over and over. Say I see two girls, and I
walk over
> and start talking and they appear receptive and friendly to me, but
it goes
> like this (this was the pattern about 6 times):
> ————–

Altpugh I could be wrong about this, I don’t think you’re running out
of material; you’re not baiting your target by ignoring her.

> ME: “Hey how’s it going? Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah!”
> GIRLS: “He he…”

Not opening right. Don’t as the usual questions here. Dive straight in
with your opener.

> ME: ” Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah?”
> GIRLS: “Yes….”
> ME: “Blah blah best friends test?”

> GIRLS: “Ha ha ha!!!”
> ME: ” Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah!!”
> GIRLS: “Tee hee…”

Did your target say anything?

> ME: “……… Oh Kaaaay… Well, catch you girls later.”
> —————
> Like what the f__k? They sort of go “Okay, you are here – entertain
> S

I believe you’ve mentioned you have Mystery’s DVDs…go over the A1,A2
and A3 sections again.

I don’t have them myself, but from my experience with Mystery’s method
I picked up from the and my own field work, I don’t
belive you’re doing your A1, A2 and A3 right and that’s why you’re
frame is perceived by them as “I’m here to entertain you”.



Message: 11
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 02:19:15 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Step by Step (day 15)

Today i asked 4 girls for directions and make 11 smiles. But one
intresting thing happen…i don’t have problems anymore making smiles
to stranger girls, it’s nice…one more step complete!
Mission nº1
-Ask girls for directions (50 Girls)—>50-14=36—>36-4 =32
-Make eye contact and smile (50 Girls)—>50-14=36—>36-11=25
Mission nº2
-Say “hi” (100Girls)
Mission nº3
-Reporter Drill (100Girls)
Mission nº4
-Ask girls for coffe&drinks (25 Girls)

Note:Today i make a conversation with a stranger naturaly two times,
and 3 days ago i did it too. I feel more sociable and confident.


Message: 12
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 18:25:12 -0800 (PST)
From: Richard Johnson
Subject: Re: Bouncing members?

Keep me in!

— George wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I’m thinking about cleaning up the list and removing
> those members
> whose emails are bouncing. They’re really not
> reading the group and
> therefore I feel comfortable with deleting them.
> Your thoughts?
> Warmly,
> George


Message: 13
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 13:27:19 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: My night of hefty sarging

>>Maybe another possibility is that you ‘run out of material’ because you
have grown beyond the need to use – premeditated conversations, openers,
canned tactics and things of that nature….

I hear you totally, especially this:

>>Remember – you are not trying to stay and set and pick up women and all
that other stuff… You’re there to have a great time. Period.

Actually, I AM. Haha. I just don’t want to let my brain know that… No
actually you are right – if I could embody this principle I would do better.

I have actually come to the conclusion I need to DROP a lot of this PUA shit
and just relax – I’ve been driving myself nuts with it. My problem isn’t so
much knowing what to do, because when I’m with girls I know I totally kick
ass and I’m the life of the party – no problem. (Trouble is every girl I
know has a BF).

I just cannot currently unlock this character in different social conditions
such as when I’m around girls I don’t know.

This is really an important distinction – I am NOT INTIMIDATED by hot girls
who I KNOW. Even if they are 9’s, if I know them then I don’t give a shit
and I will treat them like anyone else. I will bust on them, call them
dorks, what ever.

So my problem is basic SHYNESS around people I don’t know. So when I drink I
can pull chicks because I loose my shyness, but that is no good, because it
means I have to get drunk every week.

My other AFC problems are to do with being TOO POLITE. It’s the same crap:


If I can eliminate these two qualities I’m rolling. I actually need to be
more of a self absorbed type of dude. I need to focus heaps more on my own
value instead of letting myself get knocked for six by every minor event.

But the problem in these clubs with these girls is that if the conversation
stops, and “uncomfortable silence” enters, and I noticed that as soon as
that uncomfortable silence enters its over; you’re done. If the girls don’t
talk, and I don’t talk, it enters. I’m not sure yet how to deal with that.

I either yap like an idiot, or else we get uncomfortable. If I KNEW the
person this wouldn’t happen because we would just ‘hang out’.

Is it possible to have a comfortable silence with a complete stranger?



Message: 14
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 02:33:23 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Body Language

— In, michaelchina@… wrote:

> I suppose the bottom line is, if you see something you like,
approach w/o regard to initial body language (obviously if she is
sending signals, and she is to your liking, go for it). The game gets
interesting when you can lay down enough “science” on her in that
initial conversation to MAKE her attracted to you….


While I believe there is nothing like real time calibration, I find
IOIs and IODs to be extremely important for many men. Those men don’t
really want to spend months and months learning NLP and hypnosis; they
want to get laid. Period. And that’s why they need those IOIs and IODs
to know what’s going on. For that purpose, they’re great.



Message: 15
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 02:43:22 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Suggestions for Gimmicks…

— In, “tjeep” wrote:
> post your list if you like, it’ll help being focused.
> Handwriting analysis, go to local bookstore and check the books, see
the one
> that is fairly easy to follow, I have a good one called ” The
> Analysis toolkits” by WEST.
> What I found more effective is palm reading for a Varity of reasons,
one of
> them is as I run my fingers over her palm, I do it in an arousal
way. Also,
> she gets to see my finger nails, cleaned and manicured, many girls
> this and the compliment me about it, and what goes inside is “I’m a
> person, who knows how to take care of himself”.
> Palm readings you can pull it out just anywhere, at anytime,
handwriting you
> need her to set down and write things, which is good when dating or
> approaching in coffee shops.
> I do many cold readings during my interactions, and let me just tell
you how
> amazing this is.

I agree with Mike. Nowdays I use cold reading in bursts only and only
when it’s appropriate for deeper rapport, but I used to use
handwriting analysis, palm reading(I never used “proper” palm
reading– I’d make up shit on the spot–cold reading), muscle
analysis, all kinds of psychological tests (the 4 questions, the Cube,
etc) and even my pendulum.

When you learn cold reading, you can make up a gimmick on the spot and
make it seem real because you’re using cold reading.

I believe HypnoBill sells palm reading decks with a number of
exclusive pattens. Email him directly if you’re interested.

If you’re really interested in cold reading, get Completely Cold by
Kenton Knepper — it’s about $40. Very slim book, but worth a lot more
because it strips all the bullshit away.

If you want to really master Cold Reading, get Kenton’s Wonder Words
Volumes 1,2,3. Rex Sikes and Kenton collaborated on this project and
it shows.



Message: 16
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 13:42:20 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Re: My night of hefty sarging

Hey George, thanks for the feedback, here’s my answers. Firstly I agree that
I’m doing something wrong, because I end up in this ‘I’m here to entertain
you’ frame, and I then fail to entertain so I fail (funny that).

I approached a lot of girls who were in two sets etc, and I wasn’t always
thinking about which was the target because they were both hot, so either
would be nice. I was pretty much just trying to start a conversation, any
way I could. But they WON’T TALK BACK. Like they make NO effort what so
ever. They just look at each other and giggle like morons. Or its sort of
one word answers such as if I ask (in desperation):

“So how do you two know each other..?”

They go: “Uni.”

Me: “Oh…….great. Hmmmm.”

And then you are off into interview mode which is boring shit.

Like what’s with that? If someone asked me how I know a mate, I could
probably yap for half an hour about it. The way I pulled the older chick was
a totally different ballgame, it was me doing my thing with ease, this is
how it went. She came up to the bar to order a drink with her three friends
and I elbowed her and said:

“You look like a party girl…”

HER: “This is my first night out in ages!”

ME: “How old are you?”

HER: “I’m not telling you that!”

ME: “You are 24…” (she was obviously 36-40)

HER: “OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU, you are my new best friend.”

So I put my arm around her and pull her to me, and said “Ok you can be my
new best friend too.” I interlocked my hands around her and now I have her
and won’t let go.

We start yapping about god knows what, and within about 2 minutes I was
kissing her. It was EASY, like I was in the Tao. I just can’t do this with
these unresponsive young chicks.

>>>1)Give them a REASON for asking it?


>>> 2)Use a false time constraint?


>>>>3)Address the LEAST attractive girl along with the rest of the group?

Err…. No. You know why, this shit happens so fast and my adrenalin was
pumping like shit that I couldn’t even remember any of it. I opened then I’m
just kind of lost. That’s what happens.



Message: 17
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 13:51:06 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: Chump opener

This same night, I saw a cute little girl sitting in the corner, and at the
moment I was thinking about approaching her, this big drunk chump came past
and I said to him “HEEEYYYYY BUDDY!!!!” and I slapped him on the back.


I said “I double dare you to go over and chat that chick up.” (Points to
girl in corner).

So off he lumbers, 60 seconds later he’s out with a big grin on his face,
totally blown out. So then I go in and said “Hey I was just people watching,
and I saw that guy approach you. What was his line?”

She started telling me about some crap he was saying and I laughed like I
would never say anything so dumb in my life, like I’m from another planet. I
worked, in that I chatted to her for a while. Then her friend dragged her

The friends are a problem.



Message: 18
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 03:14:15 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: What Every Man Should Know About Feminist Issues: Nice Guys

What Every Man Should Know About Feminist Issues

Nice Guys
by Rod Van Mechelen
Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993 by Rod Van Mechelen


Message: 19
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 21:14:08 -0800
From: “Brandon J. Van Every”
Subject: Re: Chump opener

Hart, Simon wrote:
> I
> worked, in that I chatted to her for a while. Then her friend dragged her
> away.
> The friends are a problem.
You have to entertain them all. Or the ones “missing out” will gang up
to get rid of you. Did you have time to notice her friend approaching?
If she zoomed in out of nowhere, I guess you’d have to interject pretty
quickly with, “Hey! How are you, what’s your name?” or some such. Stop
her from leaving. Give her attention so she doesn’t torpedo you.
Probably better to figure out in advance if the target has friends, so
you can watch for them. Probably best to assume she has friends; at
least where I’ve been, chicks hardly ever go out alone. Eyes in the
back of your head, like someone’s sneaking up to knife you? Easier said
than done if it’s crowded.

Sometimes with really young chicks, though, they’re completely immature
and use their friends to “save them.” That is, you’re blowing it, and
they use their friends to do their dirty work for them. It’s annoying
because if you’re getting excited about the chick, thinking that “lack
of a no means yes,” you can be caught flat footed. She can be smiling
and nodding and shit and actually she doesn’t like you one bit. Some
“women” are that pathetically passive when faced with male aggression.
When they get older, most of ’em learn how to assert themselves and not
waste everybody’s time, including their own.

Brandon Van Every


Message: 20
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:45:29 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: My night of hefty sarging

— In, “Hart, Simon”
> Hey George, thanks for the feedback, here’s my answers. Firstly I
agree that
> I’m doing something wrong, because I end up in this ‘I’m here to
> you’ frame, and I then fail to entertain so I fail (funny that).

You’re welcome. Ask yourself, what can I do next time so I don’t
accept the above frame?

> I approached a lot of girls who were in two sets etc, and I wasn’t
> thinking about which was the target because they were both hot, so
> would be nice.

Simon, make a conscious decision as to which one is your target. Don’t
go in hoping to get what you can.

I was pretty much just trying to start a conversation, any
> way I could. But they WON’T TALK BACK. Like they make NO effort what so
> ever. They just look at each other and giggle like morons. Or its
sort of
> one word answers such as if I ask (in desperation):
> “So how do you two know each other..?”
> They go: “Uni.”
> Me: “Oh…….great. Hmmmm.”
> And then you are off into interview mode which is boring shit.

Take back the control and lead…don’t interview or let them interview
you. This changes the frame right away.

> Like what’s with that? If someone asked me how I know a mate, I could
> probably yap for half an hour about it.

That would be you, me and many other people. True. But some women are
shy(just like some men are) and lots of time we need to make them feel
interested AND comfortable before they open up.

The way I pulled the older chick was
> a totally different ballgame, it was me doing my thing with ease,
this is
> how it went. She came up to the bar to order a drink with her three
> and I elbowed her and said:
> “You look like a party girl…”
> HER: “This is my first night out in ages!”
> ME: “How old are you?”
> HER: “I’m not telling you that!”
> ME: “You are 24…” (she was obviously 36-40)
> HER: “OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU, you are my new best friend.”
> So I put my arm around her and pull her to me, and said “Ok you can
be my
> new best friend too.” I interlocked my hands around her and now I
have her
> and won’t let go.
> We start yapping about god knows what, and within about 2 minutes I was
> kissing her. It was EASY, like I was in the Tao. I just can’t do
this with
> these unresponsive young chicks.

She was hungry for attention and compliments. From the above
paragraph, I can tell her age is one of her main preoccupations and
you zeroed on it right away.

> >>>1)Give them a REASON for asking it?
> No.
> >>> 2)Use a false time constraint?
> No.
> >>>>3)Address the LEAST attractive girl along with the rest of the
> Err…. No.

Try the structure above the next time you go out and you WILL see a
big difference.

Remember to decide before hand who your target is and ignore her until
she WANTS your attention.

You know why, this shit happens so fast and my adrenalin was
> pumping like shit that I couldn’t even remember any of it. I opened
then I’m
> just kind of lost. That’s what happens.
> ~:-)

Yup, I know what you mean…nothing unusual there. What you need to do
is REHEARSE what you want to happen next time and do it right. The 3
things above will tighten up your game tremendously right away.



Message: 21
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:48:51 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Chump opener

— In, “Hart, Simon”
> This same night, I saw a cute little girl sitting in the corner, and
at the
> moment I was thinking about approaching her, this big drunk chump
came past
> and I said to him “HEEEYYYYY BUDDY!!!!” and I slapped him on the back.
> He said “HEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!!”
> I said “I double dare you to go over and chat that chick up.” (Points to
> girl in corner).
> So off he lumbers, 60 seconds later he’s out with a big grin on his
> totally blown out. So then I go in and said “Hey I was just people
> and I saw that guy approach you. What was his line?”
> She started telling me about some crap he was saying and I laughed
like I
> would never say anything so dumb in my life, like I’m from another
planet. I
> worked, in that I chatted to her for a while. Then her friend
dragged her
> away.
> The friends are a problem.
> S

Yup, been there!

Her protector 😉 You have NO ideas how many times I’d crash and burn
with sets until I changed what I was doing.

Neutralize(win over) her friend next time.



Message: 22
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 21:54:45 -0800
From: “Brandon J. Van Every”
Subject: sex survey draft

Ok, here is the draft of my sex survey. Background: I’m a professional
signature gatherer for ballot initiatives. I plan to conduct this
survey on a public sidewalk, with a table and signage that can be read a
block away. I’ll be doing it in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of
Seattle, where people are definitely liberal and a lot of ’em think
they’re sexy. A downside is a lot of ’em are gay and bisexual. I don’t
plan to discriminate against anyone who really wants to take the survey,
but you can be sure I’ll project my voice at the chicks I want, not the
queer boys.

Goals of the survey: I want to lead the woman to a state of arousal. I
could care less if this makes her angry, uncomfortable, and causes her
to storm off. I’m screening for women who can be asked a set of
questions about sex, get turned on by it, and possibly go out for a beer
with me afterwards. I’m not interested in beating around the bush about
the sexual arousal, padding it, hiding from it, or otherwise giving her
ways to avoid responsibility and waste time. The survey is meant to be
bold. I’ll be working very large numbers of women, say 20/hour minimum,
and 30..50/hour is quite possible. So if the vast majority are too
squeamish for it, it doesn’t matter. I’m after the ones that like it.
For my purposes the “yield” will be how many potential dates per hour.
No idea what the yield will be, but I made good money in Capitol Hill
during the “Repeal of Strip Club Ordiance” initiative last fall.

The questions are mostly simple. A friend of mine thinks simple may be
better for the “emotional brain,” in that it leaves more to the
imagination. Also, I want them to check off YES / NO answers quickly
and be done quickly. I do have 1 question that I dub “the NLP
command.” I know about NLP but not really how to do it. I could use
suggestions on how to best engineer that question. I see it like a
battleship with a flotilla of smaller ships around it. I think if the
entire survey was NLP commands, it would probably be too dense.

[front side]


Are you a woman?

Do you have sex with men?

Are you currently getting laid?

Is the sex good?

Do you like who you’re having sex with?

Do you like sex toys?

“something about sexual expression”

Are you better at sex than other women you know?

Do you want sex this week?

Do you want sex today?

Do you want sex right now?

Do you want sex like yesterday?

Do you imagine that some men could give you a sexual experience that you
haven’t had yet? (NLP command, can be longer / better)

Would you pay money for it?

Do you like artists?

Would you like an artist to draw a bad portrait of you?

Would you pose nude for an artist?

…and then have sex with them?

Would you like to go out with your survey taker for coffee or beer?


[back side]

If you answered “yes” to the last question, please write your name,
phone number, a day + time that you’re likely to be available, and a
place where you want to go for the beverage. “Right now” is an
acceptable answer, and can potentially result in the spontaneous
collapse of all signs, stands, displays, and furnitures into a
man-portable package. A beverage rendezvous is expected to last perhaps
an hour, with no expectations as to further meetings or sexual
interest. Your survey taker notes, however, that he draws and needs

likely Day for beverage:
likely Time for beverage:
likely Place for beverage:

No information from this survey will be disclosed to third parties.
Your survey taker is not paid for doing this. He considers his
interaction with you to be Performance Art.


Message: 23
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 22:22:28 -0800
From: “Brandon J. Van Every”
Subject: Re: What Every Man Should Know About Feminist Issues: Nice Guys

George wrote:

“The next time one of your female friends wants to cry on your shoulder,
tell you all about how she’s being victimized by her current cowboy, get
tough. Tell her that her problem is, she has separated sex from
intimacy, and that until she learns to connect the two, there’s nothing
you can do.”

Ok great.

“The only problem with this is that, in the current anti-male climate,
this is likely to be mistaken as a sexual come-on, which will make you
vulnerable to charges of sexual harassment. To protect yourself, tell
her that while you really care for her as a friend, you cannot associate
with her until she overcomes her harmful addiction. Then ask her to
leave you alone.”

Aside from being unnecessarily paranoid, this is a workplace issue.
Just don’t talk about sex with her at your workplace. I mean really,
are we going to be the kind of wusses that allow Femminazis to
psychologically colonize our every action as potential “sexual
harassment?” Nonsense! We should leave women alone when we don’t get
what we want out of them. *Not* because we’re afraid of interacting
with them on our terms.

“Girls just want to have fun, oh girls just want to have fun.”

Cyndi Lauper is a dyke. It’s true.

Brandon Van Every


Message: 24
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 14:14:27 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Poison, Manipulation and Game

I have a little question to do.
In the past i was a “good guy”, today i’m starting my “bad boy”
life’s style..but i steel have a problem.
I know a girl that think that i’m a “good guy” and act around me
like i’m her best friend.
OK, i know, this is a game of manipulation…i don’t show intrest in
her (and she feel it) and i’m real not intrested in her, but she do
lot’s of things to put me again in her “emotional contribution’s
The problem here is simple..all this game of manipulation by her is
real intrusive in my sets.
For example..other day i was talking and laughing with a girl and
she destroy my game.
She say to me…”Hey give me a hug.”..right i started to think
(“humm now if i give her a hug i will be her good dog, and if i
don’t do it i will be anti-social. Well au au Au let’s give her a
hug like a real good guy”)
Next she say during the “dog’s hug”…”i like you so much” (just
manipolation, don’t care)…and i talk again with my set…but now i
feel she start be less intrested.
Ok, this girl is poison…no problem if she try to manipulate me,
she can’t but the problem is that she can destroy my sets.
What can i do to convert this situation?

Tkx for your attention


Message: 25
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 08:27:13 -0000
From: “njabs3399”
Subject: Creating sexual tension

HI Guys..

I’ve been seeing an improvement with my skills and women respond very
well to them. I’m at a point where I feel comfortable with women but I
still have a fear of approaching. I do well when creating attraction in
a women but somehow I fail to take it further. Its almost like I’m not
that sure of when to ascalate to the physical phase or how to get
there. So my question would be: how do I generate or create sexual
tension in a woman that PUA’s talk about?
This would definitely help me on my journey!

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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