Rad Art-Watch: Keyboard Cat Art Show

If you?ve read this space at all in the past few months, you?ll know that I have an unhealthy obsession with the Keyboard Cat Internet phenomenon that?s slowly taking over the world. I can?t exactly pinpoint what it is about the whole concept ? there?s something about it being the perfect combination of nonsensical humor, people falling and hurting themselves, and cats ? but all I know is that I want to be a part of it. And now, according to the great LA-based blog Franklin Avenue, there?s a way to actually purchase Keyboard Cat-inspired artwork like this:

Or, even more awesome, this:

The show is a free exhibit taking place at Meltdown Comics in Los Angeles. Apparently, the folks at G4?s ?Attack of the Show? held a ?Make your own Keyboard Cat art? contest and were so overwhelmed with responses that they had to open up their own exhibition. (For a full display of the winning entries, head over this-a-way.)

If you?re in the LA area, the show only runs from August 4th through the 12th, so get there while you still can. As we all know, the best Internet memes don?t last forever.

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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.
