On Promiscuity Part 2: Filling A Hole…

In part one of this series I started to talk about promiscuity and the reasons why guys in the SUISC pursue extreme levels of it.

A quick note, I’m talking extreme levels of promiscuity/desire for such. It’s quite common that I turn down phone coaching students who want to have sex with 4 new 9’s a week and think that’s a totally realistic, normal, rational and reasonable goal. If I have to explain why that’s an issue to you, you should probably stop reading this post and go back to reading the fairy tales on other pick up guys message boards. If you just want to sleep with a few more girls and explore your options this probably doesn’t apply to you.

?Part 2: Filling a hole inside of yourself.

Tell me if this sounds familiar, you wake up, something feels wrong. There’s no major issue in your life, you’re not in poverty, or hunger, or being abused, but there’s a subtle feeling that something isn’t right. You feel unsatisfied with your lot in life, you know you deserve better than what you’re getting now.

You KNOW you’re special, why can’t other people see it? There’s a gnawing feeling inside of yourself saying this is not the life I was meant to live… You know something has to change but what?

You start to look at outside measures of success…

Well if I was really ripped(Insert any other personal vanity goal here), I’d feel better about myself you might say.

If I owned my own home, or a nice watch or got bottle service every night, I’d feel better.

What if I was really successful or made a lot of money.

But here’s the problem, getting ripped or making a lot of money take time, and effort and energy and there’s this damn feeling that won’t go away while you’re doing all this hard work and not getting a result.

You want to feel better now.

Well if you can’t feel better about yourself instantly through improving yourself what would make you feel better?

All the “successful” guys you see have hot chicks with them, if you could just get a hot chick, even though the rest of your life is a mess and you don’t have the discipline to fix it, you’d feel better.

Hot chicks = Success = Not feeling so shitty about yourself.

And the cycle begins.

Except the problem is this doesn’t work for most guys. Most guys fail at pick up miserably and end up feeling worse about themselves.

Then the ones who are successful are hit with an awful WTF moment, when the validation all of a sudden doesn’t feel as good and they start having to get laid a ridiculous amount just to not feel like a complete loser.

But since rejection is a constant in approaching even when you’re good, you start to find that you feel nothing when you succeed and feel awful when you fail.

The attempt to plug the hole has officially failed, and your choices are despair or finding another way to feel better about yourself, when the real reason you felt bad was that EVERYTHING in your life needs to change.

This post is pretty emotional for me because I felt this way for years… Like 2005-2010.

And the reason was that I was doing the equivalent of filling a hole in a bucket with toilet paper and expecting it to stop the water from getting out. I had to realize that my whole life was fucked up starting with the pua’s and yes men fanboys I surrounded myself with.

I needed to start to build an entire new support system that didn’t care how many girls I slept with and I had to find new ways to be able to measure the progress of my life outside of whether or not I was able to stick my dick in 4 new girls a month consistently.

That’s what the hole is, it’s your own knowledge that you are not progressing enough in life. You know you’re letting yourself down in almost every area of your life from your health (Eating, working out, not drinking every night at the club) to your career( or lack their of) to everything.

When you feel the hole and want to fill it with more pussy; your sticking point is everything in your life. And until you realize that you’ll just keep trying to plug the hole with no success…

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About john sinn Sinn is widely regarded as the second best PUA in the world. Sinn is known for his hard nosed style and take no excuses approach to teaching. He is a nondenominational teacher, which means that he subscribes to no particular method and instead blends the best of every school of seduction to create the best possible results for himself and his students. Sinn is currently running his own pick up company The Sinns Of Attraction, which offers live, phone and email training.

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