What To Do If You’ve Been Ghosted
They call it ‘ghosting’. An epidemic so widespread it’s unavoidable.
It stems from the uncontrollable abundance of men that women can access on dating apps like Tinder, and the impersonal interactions that now occur as a result of these apps.
Thirsty men have become such a prominent part of a hot woman’s life that it’s been deemed unnecessary for her to officially call it off with any of them.
The woman you’re chasing has romantic options at all times. If she suddenly ignores you, it’s probably because you’ve fallen down her list of priorities.
You can be butthurt or appalled, but that won’t change the fact that this is how dating works now.? (here’s how to handle rejection like a man)
The best strategy is to create an abundance of awesomeness in your own life.
Aim to have so many women hitting you up that you don’t even realise when one is ignoring you.
In 2018, this is highly possible. These tips for slaying Tinder will set you on your way, as well as?these ideas for meeting women offline, and most of the other articles on this blog.
When you’re also broadcasting your thriving social life on Snapchat and Instagram, it’s amazing how many ‘ghost’ girls come back from the dead to slide into your DMs.
When you’re leveraging social media correctly, the excuses from these women will arrive like clockwork.
The classics include:
‘Sorry, I’ve been super-busy with school/work.’
‘Just seen this. My phone died.’
‘Sorry, I’ve been dealing with family problems’
The truth is: she’s seen how much fun you’re having without her and now wants a part of it.
This strategy is so powerful, so start adding girls to your social media instead of taking their number.
Our guide titled ‘She didn’t text back. Should I text again?’?could help to rekindle the interaction.
Maybe she just didn’t feel like texting you last time. Perhaps one of those classic excuses was actually true. You shouldn’t give up after one ignored message.
Still, be aware that the fact you’re so concerned about her replies is probably why you’re not getting them.
Women don’t want the dude who is only chasing them. They want to chase you – and be chosen from many. They’ll pick up on signs of scarcity in your messages, and feel less motivated to reply.
If you’ve already been on a few dates, that’s different. In this case, you could straight-up ask why she’s not responding or (god forbid) call her. If it’s your girlfriend or spouse, consider reporting a missing person.
Still, in the majority of cases, consider fixing the wider problem of not having enough women on the scene.
You can do this by creating a lifestyle that girls would be crazy to ghost on.
For tips on cultivating a lifestyle and personality that hot women want to be part of, see these 6 Steps To Being Attractive
About Joe Elvin Joe Elvin travels the world working remotely as a lifestyle writer and confidence coach. Throughout 2017, he filmed his entire dating life as part of a national television documentary in the UK. His new book 'The Camera Never Lies' details the brutal truths about dating and relationships learned from this experience. You can learn more about the book and download the first chapter for free by clicking here >>