Praising American Apparel’s Praise of Butts
We’re going to admit something right here, right now, for the very first time. As much as we may harp on American Apparel when we’re in the company of others — not so much on this site, as we don’t want Don Charney abducting us and sticking us in one of his Hostel-like warehouses on the south-eastern section of downtown LA — it’s mostly because it’s an easy joke. There’s something kind of dirty about every model they have, like they were just dragged from the back of a freight train they took to make their escape out of the Midwest, put into these clothes, shot up with various drugs, and photographed. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) But all that said, we do kind of enjoy the product of American Apparel. It’s fashionable, contains nice material, and most importantly, every now and then holds a Best Bottom in The World contest:
This is a real butt, sent into American Apparel’s online HQ, in order for the young lady (who goes by the name of “Stepho”) to enter AA’s Best Butt contest. And guess what? SHE DIDN’T EVEN WIN! Here’s another runner-up:
I know, right? In any case, while the contest has already ended, do feel free to peruse the site to view all 1368 submissions. There are worse ways to spend a Monday. And hey, maybe you’ll notice your sister or mom on there!
However, in seriousness folks, if there are some ladies out there who did not get a chance to get their submissions into American Apparel in time, do feel free to send them to us. We’ll make sure to forward them over to Mr. Charney, post-haste.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.