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What It Takes To Become a Master Seducer

So what really is game? How do we define it, and how exactly do we go about getting it? It?s these two questions that I want to dive into in today?s article. You see, game is a pretty illusive concept. For instance, just because you know a hundred different openers and a few dozen routines

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3 Ways To Tell If She’s Lost Interest

Is She Still Into You?  Here’s 3 Ways to Tell… Wondering if a girl is still into you can be borderline torturous. Even if you haven’t succumbed to a terrible case of ‘one-itis’, you might still be scratching your head over whether or not you should move on. Indecision is completely understandable in these instances.

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4 Ways to Tell if She’s GF Material

A lot of guys want to become good at meeting new girls, hooking up and scoring dates, because they’re actually looking for a really cool, fun and hot girl to be their girlfriend. And mostly because?they compromised a lot in the past. Compromising on yourself is bad. The?foundation to?a healthy, happy relationship is finding a

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How to Fix the 4 Biggest Attraction Mistakes

Yes, you always want to dress for your surroundings, but as a general rule of thumb, if you can?t wear it with a suit jacket or as casually as you would a t-shirt, it is not your friend. Look good, dress up, peacock, but make your appearance look natural at the bar or on a

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